General Reference

SAP Transactions-Quick Reference

The following table provides a list of SAP transactions and their functions.

This transaction:...Lets you:
/n/MIAPM/MIPROView a list of GE Digital APM-specific steps that can be performed in SAP.
/n/MIAPM/MANAGE_PARAMSAccess and manage the /MIAPM/PARAMS table.
SM37Check the status of a background process.
IW43Validate SAP Confirmations against that data in GE Digital APM Confirmation records.


SAP System Requirements

  • SAP Backend System: The following versions are supported:
    • SAP ECC 6.0 (Enhancement Packs [EhP] 1 and above)
    • S/4 Hana (1511, 1610, 1709, and 1809)
  • SAP Database: A database that contains the SAP data model and data.
  • SAP Internet Transaction Server (ITS): Version 6.20 or higher.
  • SAP Java Connector Files (SAP JCO) downloaded from the SAP marketplace, which contains the following files:
    • sapjco.dll
    • sapjco3.dll
    • sapjco3.jar

SAP PI System Requirements

  • SAP Backend System: The following versions are supported:
    • SAP ECC 6.0 (Enhancement Packs [EhP] 1 and above)
    • S/4 Hana (1511, 1610, 1709, and 1809)
  • SAP PI: An SAP PI system 7.00 and above, up to SAP PI/PO 7.50.