
Access an Assignment

Before You Begin

  • Create a Template for assignment (that is, the value in the Type field is Assignment).
  • If you want to access your assignment, ensure that you are the assignee of the Template (that is, the value in the Assignee(s) field corresponds to your role).
  • If you want to access an assignment that has been submitted for your review, ensure that you are the reviewer of the Template (that is, the value in the Reviewer(s) field corresponds to your role).
  • Apply the Template to the Shift for which you want to access an assignment.


  1. Access the Shift Summary page for the Shift whose assignment you want to access.
    The My Assignments workspace appears, displaying the following sections:
    • Incomplete Assignments: Contains a table of assignments that you have not completed for the current Shift. The table contains the following columns:
      • Template ID: Contains the template ID of the assignment (that is, Template).
      • Priority: Contains the priority of the assignment.
    • Filled Assignments: Contains a table of assignments that you have completed for the current Shift. The table contains the following columns:
      • Template ID: Contains the template ID of the assignment.
      • State: Contains the state of the assignment (that is, New or Modified).
      • Created On: Contains the date and time when you completed the assignment in the Incomplete Assignments section.
    • Unapproved Assignments: Contains a table of assignments that have been submitted for your review for the current Shift. The table contains the following columns:
      • Template ID: Contains the template ID of the assignment.
      • Created By: Contains the name of the assignee of the assignment.
      • Created On: Contains the date and time when the assignment in the Incomplete Assignments section was completed.
    Important: The assignments that appear in the Filled Assignments and Unapproved Assignments sections for a given Shift will not appear in the next occurrence of the same Shift.
  2. As needed, in the Template ID column of one of the three sections, select the link in the row that contains the assignment that you want to access.

    The data entry form for the assignment appears.

    Note: With the exception of the assignment in the Unapproved Assignments section, you can modify the values in the available fields as needed, and then select Save to save your changes.

Complete an Assignment

Before You Begin


  1. Access the Shift Summary page for the Shift for which you want to complete an assignment.
  2. In the Incomplete Assignments section, in the Template ID column, select the link in the row that contains the assignment that you want to complete.

    The data entry form for the assignment appears.

  3. As needed, enter values in the available fields.
  4. Select Save.

    The assignment is completed. The completed assignment appears in the Filled Assignments section with the value New in the State column.

What To Do Next

Submit an Assignment for Review

Before You Begin


  1. Access the Shift Summary page for the Shift whose assignment you want to submit for review.
  2. In the Filled Assignments section, select the row that contains the assignment that you want to submit for review.

    A drop-down list box appears in the Filled Assignments section.

  3. Select in the drop-down list box, and then select the Propose option, followed by the Done button.

    The assignment is submitted for review. The submitted assignment no longer appears in the Filled Assignments section; it appears in the Unapproved Assignments section.

What To Do Next

Approve or Reject an Assignment

Before You Begin

  • Ensure that an assignment has been submitted for your review.
  • Ensure that you are the reviewer of the Template associated with the assignment (that is, the value in the Reviewer(s) field corresponds to your role).
    Note: You can approve or reject an assignment only if you belong to the MI eLog Administrator Security Group.


  1. Access the Shift Summary page for the Shift whose assignment you want to approve or reject.
  2. Select the Unapproved Assignments tab.

    A table of assignments that have been submitted for your review appear.

  3. Select the row that contains the assignment that you want to approve or reject.

    A drop-down list box appears.

  4. Select in the drop-down list box, and then select the Approve or Reject option as needed, followed by the Done button.
    • If you had selected the Approve option: The assignment is approved. The approved assignment no longer appears in the Unapproved Assignments section.
    • If you had selected the Reject option: The assignment is rejected. The rejected assignment no longer appears in the Unapproved Assignments section; it appears in the Filled Assignments section with the value Modified in the State column.

What To Do Next

Resubmit an Assignment for Review

About This Task

If your assignment has been rejected, you can modify it, and then submit it for review again. This topic describes how to resubmit an assignment.


  1. Access the Shift Summary page for the Shift whose assignment you want to resubmit for review.
  2. In the Filled Assignments section, select the row that contains the assignment that you want to resubmit for review.

    A drop-down list box appears in the Filled Assignments section.

  3. Select in the drop-down list box, and then select the Resubmit option, followed by the Done button.

    The assignment is resubmitted for review. The resubmitted assignment no longer appears in the Filled Assignments section; it appears in the Unapproved Assignments section.

What To Do Next