Deploy Asset Health Manager

Deploy AHM for the First Time

Before You Begin

The following table outlines the steps that you must complete to deploy and configure this module for the first time. These instructions assume that you have completed the steps for deploying the basic system architecture.

These tasks may be completed by multiple people in your organization. We recommend, however, that the tasks be completed in the order in which they are listed.

If you are deploying this module in APM Now, before you begin completing these tasks, review the system requirements for this module to identify the supported features for this module in APM Now . Unless noted, all deployment tasks in the following table are applicable for the deployment of this module in APM Now.


1Assign Security Users to one or more of the Asset Health Manager Security Groups and Roles.This step is required.

In the GE Digital APM Server, configure the Meridium Notification Service for AHM.

This step is required.
3On the GE Digital APM Server, start or restart the Meridium Notification Service.

This step is required.

You may review the log files for this service at C:\ProgramData\Meridium\Logs.


Start or restart the Meridium AHI Service (Asset Health Indicator Service).

This step is required.

When you start the service, Health Indicator records are created or updated automatically based on health indicator and reading source records.

You may review the log files for this service at C:\ProgramData\Meridium\Logs.

5 Review the AHM data model to determine which relationship definitions you will need to modify to include your custom asset families.This step is required only if you store asset information in families other than the baseline Equipment and Functional Location families.

Determine the equipment or location whose overall health you want to evaluate, and make sure that an asset record exists in the database for this equipment or location and is included in the Asset Hierarchy configuration.

This step is required.

If you are using custom asset families and relationships (see Step 5), make sure that the equivalent records and links exist in the database.

7 Configure Health Indicator Mapping records for each family that you want to use as a health indicator source, for which a baseline Health Indicator Mapping record does not already exist.

This step is required.

Baseline Health Indicator Mapping records exist for the following health indicator source families:

  • Measurement Location
  • KPI
  • OPC Tag
  • Health Indicator
8 Link each asset record to the record(s) that you want to use as a health indicator source records.This step is required.

For any specific records in a health indicator source family for which you do not want health indicators to be created, exclude these records from the automatic health indicator creation.

This step is optional.
10 Review the baseline event mappings and modify or create new mappings as necessary to customize the information that is displayed in the Events section in Asset Health Manager.

This step is optional.

Refer to the Asset Health Manager end user help for more information about events.

About the Asset Health Services

When you deploy the Asset Health Manager, Process Data Integration, and Policy Designer modules together, the services used by each module interact with each other in various ways. This topic summarizes those services and describes a standard system architecture containing the components used by all three modules.

For a list of tasks that you must complete to deploy each module, refer to the deployment topics in the following areas:

  • Asset Health Manager (AHM)
  • Policy Designer
  • Process Data Integration (PDI) for the First Time

Services Summary

The following services are used by the Asset Health Manager, Process Data Integration, and Policy Designer modules:

  • Asset Health Indicator Service: Automatically updates the following field values in a Health Indicator record when reading values related to the health indicator source record (e.g., an OPC Tag or Measurement Location record) change:

    • Alert Level
    • Last Reading Date
    • Last Char Reading Value (for records that accept character values)
    • Last Numeric Reading Value (for records that accept numeric values)

    This service also facilitates the automatic creation of Health Indicator records for configured sources.

  • Policy Trigger Service: When an input to a policy (i.e., an associated record in the GE Digital APM database or reading value in the process historian) changes or when a policy schedule is due, a message is added to the policy trigger queue.
  • Policy Execution Service: The Meridium Policy Execution Service handles the execution of policies. Specifically, the Policy Execution Service monitors a corresponding policy execution queue and executes the policy instances that are added to it.
  • Process Data Integration (PDI) Service: Monitors the subscribed tags (i.e., tags that are used in policies and health indicators or tags for which readings are being stored in the GE Digital APM database) and, when data changes occur on these tags, adds messages to the appropriate queues. This service also facilitates the automatic import and synchronization of tags from a configured process historian.

Standard System Architecture Configuration

The following diagram illustrates the machines in the GE Digital APM system architecture when the Policy Designer, Process Data Integration (PDI), and Asset Health Manager (AHM) modules are used together. This image depicts the standard configuration, where the OPC Server software and the Process Data Integration Service are on the same machine.

Note: In this example configuration, only one machine of each type is illustrated. Your specific architecture may include multiple GE Digital APM Servers, multiple OPC Servers, or multiple GE Digital APM Servers used for policy executions.

The following table summarizes the machines illustrated in this diagram and the software and services that you will install when you complete the first-time deployment steps for Asset Health Manager , Process Data Integration, and Policy Designer.

MachineSoftware InstalledAsset Health Service Installed Automatically with Service Software
GE Digital APM Server

GE Digital APM  Server software

Asset Health Indicator Service
Policy Trigger Service
Policy Execution Service
Process Data Integration Server, which also acts as the OPC ServerProcess Data Integration Service softwareProcess Data Integration Service
OPC Server softwareN/A
Process HistorianProcess historian softwareN/A

Configure the Meridium Notification Service for AHM

About This Task

For the Asset Health Indicator service to work correctly, you must configure the Meridium Notification Service by modifying the file Meridium.Service.Notification.exe.config on all GE Digital APM Servers.


  1. On the GE Digital APM Server, navigate to the folder where the Meridium Notification Service files are installed. If you installed the software in the default location, you can locate these files in the folder C:\Program Files\Meridium\Services.
  2. Open the file Meridium.Service.Notification.exe.config in an application that you can use to modify XML script (e.g., Notepad).
  3. If you have not done so already, complete any necessary basic configuration for the Meridium Notification Service.
  4. Within the <notification> tags, within the <notificationSettings> tags, uncomment the following text string (i.e., delete the <!-- and -->): <!– <add key="server4" serverType="external" endPointname="ahmService"/> -->
  5. Within the <system.serviceModel> tags, within the <client> tags, uncomment the following text string (i.e., delete the <!-- and -->): <!-- <endpoint name="ahmService" address="net.tcp://localhost/Meridium/AHM/NotifyHandler" binding="netTcpBinding" contract="Meridium.Core.Common.Contracts.INotificationService" /> -->
  6. Save and close the file.
  7. Start or restart the Meridium Notification Service.

AHM Security Groups

The following table lists the baseline Security Groups available for users within this module, as well as the baseline Roles to which those Security Groups are assigned.

Important: Assigning a Security User to a Role grants that user the privileges associated with all of the Security Groups that are assigned to that Role. To avoid granting a Security User unintended privileges, before assigning a Security User to a Role, be sure to review all of the privileges associated with the Security Groups assigned to that Role. Also, be aware that additional Roles, as well as Security Groups assigned to existing Roles, can be added via Security Manager.
Security GroupRoles
MI AHI AdministratorMI Health Admin

MI Strategy Admin

MI Strategy Power

MI AHI UserMI Health Power

MI Health User

MI Strategy Admin

MI Strategy Power

MI Strategy User

MI AHI ViewerNone

The baseline family-level privileges that exist for these Security Groups are summarized in the following table.

FamilyMI AHI AdministratorMI AHI UserMI AHI Viewer
Entity Families
Checkpoint TaskView, Update, InsertView, Update, InsertView
Event MappingView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView
Health IndicatorView, Update, Insert, Delete View, UpdateView
Health Indicator MappingView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView
Health Indicator ValueView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView
KPI MeasurementViewViewView
Measurement LocationViewViewView
Measurement Location TemplateViewViewView
OPC ReadingViewViewView
OPC SystemViewViewView
OPC TagViewViewView
Operator Rounds Allowable Values ViewViewView
Policy EventView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, Delete View
Policy InstanceViewViewView
RecommendationView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete View
Timestamped ValueView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView
Relationship Families
Has CheckpointViewViewView
Has Child Hierarchy Item (Deprecated)View, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView
Has Consolidated EventsView, Update, Insert, DeleteView, Update, Insert, DeleteView
Has Health IndicatorsView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView
Has OPC ReadingViewViewView
Has OPC TagViewViewView
Has ReadingsViewViewView
Has RecommendationsView, Update, Insert, Delete View, Update, Insert, Delete View
Has Timestamped ValueView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView
Health Indicator Has MappingView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView
Health Indicator Has SourceView, Update, Insert, Delete ViewView