About Site Filtering in FMEA

Some companies that use the GE Digital APM software have facilities at multiple sites, or locations, where each site contains unique equipment and locations. If desired, you can define the sites in your organization and associate equipment and locations with the site to which they belong. When you create FMEA Analyses for those pieces of equipment and locations, you will need to select the appropriate site on the Analysis datasheet of the FMEA Analysis.

To help streamline the analysis-creation process, after you select a site on the Analysis datasheet, the GE Digital APM system will allow you to add Equipment and Functional Location records to the FMEA Analysis only if the pieces of equipment and locations belong to that site.

You can also associate Risk Matrices with specific sites. If a Risk Matrix is associated with a site and an FMEA Analysis is associated with the same site, when you define the unmitigated risk for a failure effect, rather than seeing the default Risk Matrix, you will see the Risk Matrix that is associated with that site.

In FMEA, users will only see global data or analysis data related to their assigned site(s).

FMEA Analyses

Site filtering is applied to FMEA analysis records by setting the site on the datasheet or by linking an asset with an existing site assignment to a global analysis. If you assign a site to an FMEA analysis by linking an existing asset, then all of the records associated with the analysis inherit the same site. After the site is set for an analysis, you can only link assets with that same site assignment.

FMEA Analysis Templates

When you create a new analysis template, you can use the Site control to set the site for the template, which then gets populated through all of the records associated with an analysis. You can apply any viewable template to any viewable analysis, regardless of the site assignment, as long as the risk matrices match.

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