Permanently Renaming Tags

About this task

Historian allows you to permanently rename tag names using Excel Add-in. You can permanently rename a tag if you no longer want to read and write a tag by its previous name. Permanent rename makes the previous tag name available for new usage.


  1. Export tags that you want to rename from the Historian Server.
    See Exporting Tags.
    Note: IMPORTANT: You must only include Tagname in the list of fields to export.
  2. Insert a column to the right of the Tagname column.
  3. Double-click the column heading, and then type New Tagname.
  4. Select a cell in the New Tagname column, and then type a new tag name.
    Note: You must specify a tag name in all the rows of the New Tagname column. Currently, If you do not want to rename any of those exported tags, then you must delete that row and rename the remaining tags.
  5. Insert another column to the right of the New Tagname column.
  6. Double-click the column heading, and then type Permanent Rename.
  7. Select a cell in the Permanent Rename column, and then type either TRUE or FALSE.
    TRUE means permanent rename and FALSE means rename/alias.
    Note: If you leave the cell blank then it is FALSE by default.

    You cannot enter any other values other than TRUE or FALSE. If you enter any other value, then an error message will be generated.

  8. From the Historian menu, select Administration and then select Rename Tags.
    The Historian Rename Tags dialog box appears.
  9. Click Yes. If successful, a message box appears confirming completion of the rename function.
  10. Click OK to close the dialog box.
    Note: If any errors occur, a message box appears detailing the issues encountered during the rename. If any error occurred with any line of the rename, the whole import is aborted