Opening the iFIX Sample Picture


  1. Copy HistoricalAnimation.grf to your Dynamics/Pic folder.
  2. Start iFIX.
  3. Open the iFIX WorkSpace, if not already open.
  4. Double-click the Pictures folder in the iFIX WorkSpace tree.
  5. Double-click the HistoricalAnimation picture to open the picture in the WorkSpace.
    The picture appears, as shown in the following figure.
    Figure: iFIX Screen With VisiconX Controls
  6. Experiment with the sample:
    • Try switching between the configure and run modes.
    • Follow the steps on the picture.
    • Try editing the picture.
    • View the properties of the VisiconX controls.
    • Change the properties.
    Note: You can have multiple VisiconX controls that each link to different Historian servers.