Why Is the Raw Sample at the Start Time Not Returned?

Historian OLE DB Provider does not return raw samples with timestamps that match the start time. If you want to include the start time, you need to set the start time to a time earlier than the first raw sample desired.

Note: This only applies to RawByTime sampling mode and not RawByNumber.

For example, if you want to return raw samples starting at 11/28/2001 18:25:00 you can use 1/28/2001 18:24:59 as the start time. For example, you would enter the following SQL command:

SELECT TimeStamp, Tagname, Value FROM ihRawData
WHERE (SamplingMode = 'RawByTime') AND
(TimeStamp >= {ts '11/28/2001 18:24:59'})

If your timestamps are using millisecond resolution, you can retrieve timestamps starting at 11/28/2001 18:24:59.999 to prevent any sample prior to 18:50:00 from being returned.