TagSamples Parameter

The TagSamples parameter is the output from the REST API calls.
Property NameProperty TypeDescription
TagNameStringName of the tag.
DataTypeStringTag Data Type Value:
  • Blob – Stores tags as binary large objects. The Blob datatype generally refers to undetermined binary data types, such as an Excel spreadsheet, a PDF file, or a Word file.
  • Boolean (one byte) – Stores boolean values. Valid values for the boolean data type are 0=FALSE and 1=TRUE. If the user sends zero, the value is taken as zero. Anything other than zero, the value is treated as one.
  • Byte (one byte) – Stores integer values. Valid values for the byte data type are -128 to +127.
  • SingleFloat (four bytes) – Stores decimal values up to six places. Valid ranges for the single float data type are 1.175494351e-38F to 3.402823466e+38F
  • DoubleFloat (eight bytes) – Stores decimal values up to 15 places. Valid values for the double float data type are 2.2250738585072014e-308 to 1.7976931348623158e+308.
  • SingleInteger (two bytes) – Stores whole numbers, without decimal places. Valid values for the single integer data type are -32767 to +32767.
  • DoubleInteger (four bytes) – Stores whole numbers, without decimal places. Valid values for the double integer data type are -2147483648 to +2147483648.
  • FixedString (Configured by user) – Stores string data of a fixed size. Valid values are between 0 and 255 bytes.
  • Float – Single float.
  • Integer – Single integer.
  • MultiField – Stores string data that has multiple words.
  • QuadInteger (eight bytes) – Stores whole numbers without decimal places. Valid values for the quad integer data type are -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (negative nine quintillion) to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (positive nine quintillion).
  • Scaled (two bytes) – Lets you store a four-byte float as a twobyte integer in the Historian archive. The scaled data type saves disk space but sacrifices data precision as a result.
  • Time – Returns or sets the type of time stamping applied to data at collection time.
  • UDoubleInteger (Unsigned Double Integer) (four bytes) – Stores whole numbers without decimal places. Valid values for the unsigned double integer data type are 0 to 4,294,967, 295 (4.2 billion).
  • Undefined – Data type is not defined.
  • UQuadInteger (Unsigned Quad Integer) (eight bytes) – Stores whole numbers without decimal places. Valid values for the unsigned quad integer data type are 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (19 quintillion).
  • USingleInteger (Unsigned Single Integer) (two bytes) – Stores whole numbers without decimal places. Valid values for the unsigned single integer data type are 0 to 65535.
  • VariableString (No fixed size) – Stores string values of undetermined size. This data type is useful if you cannot rely on a constant string length from your data source.
  • Array – Returns an array of tags from your data source. You can specify orientation, size, and number of rows returned in the array.
ErrorCodeError CodeError Code Definition

See Error Code Definition for more information.

SamplesData SampleSee DataSample Parameter for more information.