Calculation Algorithm Types

A time weighted arithmetic mean.
The lowest value in the group.
The highest value in the group.
Standard Deviation
The square root of the arithmetic mean of deviations from the time- weighted arithmetic mean of all values in the group.
The time-weighted total of all values in the group. Note that Engineering Units are assumed to be in Units/Day. If your Engineering Units were not measured in Units/Day, you must scale your total to the actual time units of the measurement. For example, if the measurement were in Units/Minute (such as GPM), you would multiply the total number by 1440 (minutes in a day) to scale the value into the correct time units.
The total number of values in the group.
Raw Average
The unweighted arithmetic mean of all values in the group.
Raw Standard Deviation
The square root of the arithmetic mean of deviations from the unweighted arithmetic mean of all values in the group.
Raw Total
The unweighted total of all values in the group.
Time of Minimum Value
The time at which the minimum value occurred. l Time of Maximum Value - the time at which the maximum value occurred.
Time Good
The amount of time (in milliseconds) during the interval when the data quality is good.
State Count
Displays the number of times a tag has transitioned to another state from a previous state. A state transition is counted when the previous good sample is not equal to the state value and the next good sample is equal to state value.
State Time
Displays the duration that a tag was in a given state within an interval.
First Raw Value
Returns the first good raw sample value in the given time interval.
First Raw Time
Returns the time stamp of the first good raw sample in the given time interval.
Last Raw Value
Returns the last good raw sample value in the given time interval.
Last Raw Time
Returns the time stamp of the last good raw sample in the given time interval.
Returns the values of multiple calculation modes in a single query.