Proficy Historian Client Access API
Proficy.Historian.ClientAccess.API Namespace / CollectorHierarchicalBrowseResponseHandler Delegate
Whether this is the final response.
Overall operation status.
List of nodes satisfying the browse criteria.
List of leafs satisfying the browse criteria.

In This Topic
    CollectorHierarchicalBrowseResponseHandler Delegate
    In This Topic
    A delegate invoked for collector hierarchical tag browse responses.
    Public Delegate Sub CollectorHierarchicalBrowseResponseHandler( _
       ByVal final As System.Boolean, _
       ByVal status As Status, _
       ByVal nodes As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of BrowseNode), _
       ByVal leafs As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of BrowseNode) _
    public delegate void CollectorHierarchicalBrowseResponseHandler( 
       System.bool final,
       Status status,
       System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowseNode> nodes,
       System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowseNode> leafs
    public delegate void CollectorHierarchicalBrowseResponseHandler( 
       System.bool final,
       Status status,
       System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowseNode^>^ nodes,
       System.Collections.Generic.List<BrowseNode^>^ leafs


    Whether this is the final response.
    Overall operation status.
    List of nodes satisfying the browse criteria.
    List of leafs satisfying the browse criteria.

    Target Platforms: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 family

    See Also