Because the trend chart is an object in CimEdit, you can specify events that trigger actions.
Trending offers you a list of methods to use for an Invoke method action that can be triggered by an event.
A method is a function that operates on a Trend control in CimView.
You can customize one or all of these methods so they will change or enable/disable an aspect of the trend chart when their associated event occurs.
Axis (X) |
JumpToCurrentTime |
Set the chart time to the current time. |
PauseUpdates |
Pause or resume updates |
ScrollLines |
Scroll the chart by the given percentage |
SetXDuration |
Change the X-axis duration. |
SetXStartTime |
Change the Chart X-axis for one or all lines. |
Axis (Y) |
SetAxisLabel |
Display a label for a selected Y-axis. |
SetLineYAxis |
Change the Y-axis settings. |
SetYAxisVisible |
Change the visibility of one or all Y axes. |
SetLineUseChartY |
Toggle the use of the Chart Y-axis for a line. |
Axis (Y or X) |
SetAxisTicks |
Display ticks and tick labels on either an X or Y-axis. |
Make the legend visible/invisible |
AddDynPointLine |
Add a point line. |
AddExpressionLine |
Add an expression line. |
AddHistorianExpressionLine |
Add a line with values that are calculated by an Historian tag expression. |
AddHistorianLine |
Add a line from Historian. |
AddHistorianLineVerify |
Report if the point (tag) values are not being logged to Historian. |
AddLoggedLine |
Add a logged line. |
AddLoggedExpressionLine |
Add a logged expression line. |
AddLoggedPointLine |
Add a specified logged point line. |
AddPointLine |
Add a specified point line. |
DeleteTrendLine |
Delete a line. |
SetLineAutoupdate |
Change the auto-update status of one or all non-runtime lines. |
SetLineCompression |
Set the compression specifications for a particular Line ID. |
SetLineDisplay |
Set the color, compression and expansion of a given line. |
SetLineVisible |
Toggle the line visibility in both the chart and legend for one or all lines. |
WriteReferenceFile |
Write a reference file for specified lines. |
Visual Aids |
ResetZoom |
Reset zoom in the Trend Control to 100%. |
SetGridState |
Change the grid visibility for the Trend Control. |
Wait States |
EnableOutstandingLoggedRequestStateEvents |
Enables the firing of logged data wait state events in the Trend control. |
DisableOutstandingLoggedRequestStateEvents |
Disables or turns off the firing of logged data request wait state events in the Trend control. |
EnteringOutstandingLoggedRequestState Event
Trend control has determined that it has logged data requests that have been outstanding (waiting) for longer than the number of seconds determined by the threshold. |
LeavingOutstandingLoggedRequestState Event |
Trend control has determined that it no longer has any logged data requests that are outstanding. |
AboutBox |
Display the Help About dialog box for the CIMPLICITY Trend Control. |
ForceRedraw |
Redraws the chart to display the current values. |
LaunchProperties |
Open a Trend Control Properties dialog box during runtime. |
LoadTrend |
Loads an external file into the Trend control. |
SaveTrend |
Save the Trend to an external file. |
SetCimplicityProject |
Set the CIMPLICITY project for the Trend Control. |