Trend Methods

Because the trend chart is an object in CimEdit, you can specify events that trigger actions.

Trending offers you a list of methods to use for an Invoke method action that can be triggered by an event.

A method is a function that operates on a Trend control in CimView.

You can customize one or all of these methods so they will change or enable/disable an aspect of the trend chart when their associated event occurs.

Axis (X) Axis (Y) Axis (Y or X) Legend Line Visual Aids Wait States Other
Axis (X)
JumpToCurrentTime Set the chart time to the current time.
PauseUpdates Pause or resume updates
ScrollLines Scroll the chart by the given percentage
SetXDuration Change the X-axis duration.
SetXStartTime Change the Chart X-axis for one or all lines.
Axis (Y)
SetAxisLabel Display a label for a selected Y-axis.
SetLineYAxis Change the Y-axis settings.
SetYAxisVisible Change the visibility of one or all Y axes.
SetLineUseChartY Toggle the use of the Chart Y-axis for a line.
Axis (Y or X)
SetAxisTicks Display ticks and tick labels on either an X or Y-axis.
SetLegendState Make the legend visible/invisible
AddDynPointLine Add a point line.
AddExpressionLine Add an expression line.
AddHistorianExpressionLine Add a line with values that are calculated by an Historian tag expression.
AddHistorianLine Add a line from Historian.
AddHistorianLineVerify Report if the point (tag) values are not being logged to Historian.
AddLoggedLine Add a logged line.
AddLoggedExpressionLine Add a logged expression line.
AddLoggedPointLine Add  a specified logged point line.
AddPointLine Add a specified point line.
DeleteTrendLine Delete a line.
SetLineAutoupdate Change the auto-update status of one or all non-runtime lines.
SetLineCompression Set the compression specifications for a particular Line ID.
SetLineDisplay Set the color, compression and expansion of a given line.
SetLineVisible Toggle the line visibility in both the chart and legend for one or all lines.
WriteReferenceFile Write a reference file for specified lines.
Visual Aids
ResetZoom Reset zoom in the Trend Control to 100%.
SetGridState Change the grid visibility for the Trend Control.
Wait States
EnableOutstandingLoggedRequestStateEvents Enables the firing of logged data wait state events in the Trend control.
DisableOutstandingLoggedRequestStateEvents Disables or turns off the firing of logged data request wait state events in the Trend control.
EnteringOutstandingLoggedRequestState Event Trend control has determined that it has logged data requests that have been outstanding (waiting) for longer than the number of seconds determined by the threshold.
LeavingOutstandingLoggedRequestState Event Trend control has determined that it no longer has any logged data requests that are outstanding.
AboutBox Display the Help About dialog box for the CIMPLICITY Trend Control.
ForceRedraw Redraws the chart to display the current values.
LaunchProperties Open a Trend Control Properties dialog box during runtime.
LoadTrend Loads an external file into the Trend control.
SaveTrend Save the Trend to an external file.
SetCimplicityProject Set the CIMPLICITY project for the Trend Control.