Step 3. Configure Process Systems Roles

Two default roles are added to the project when Process Systems is enabled.

They are:

A ENGINEER role default.
B GUEST role default.
Important: If you already have either an ENGINEER and/or GUEST role defined in your system, it will be overwritten by the Proficy Process Systems ENGINEER and/or GUEST roles.

ENGINEER Role Default

The Engineer role, by default: is assigned the following.


1 Is assigned a Level of 200. A 200 Level is required to perform several faceplate functions.
2 Assigned all privileges.


When Configuration Security is enabled, the Engineer role, by default, is assigned all configuration privileges.

GUEST Role Default

The Guest role, by default, is assigned the following.


1 Is assigned a Level of 0. A guest will be able to review the faceplate, but will not be able to affect it's function or status.
2 Assigned no privileges.


Important: When Configuration Security is enabled, all roles, by default, are assigned all configuration privileges.

This means that the guest, by default, will have Objects checked which allows a guest to use the Object Builder to build objects from the EGD Server.

It is strongly recommended that you remove these privileges and use the guest role as a read-only role.
