Net.Browse$ (method)

Syntax Net.Browse$ (type)
Description Calls the currently installed network's browse dialog box, requesting a particular type of information.
Comments The type parameter is an Integer specifying the type of dialog box to display:
Type Description
0 If type is 0, then this method displays a dialog box that allows the user to browse network volumes and directories. Choosing OK returns the completed pathname as a String.
1 If type is 1, then this function displays a dialog box that allows the user to browse the network's printer queues. Choosing OK returns the complete name of that printer queue as a String. This string is the same format as required by the Net.AddCon method.
2 Display the Disconnect dialog for disk resources.
3 Display the Disconnect dialog for printer resources.
This dialog box differs depending on the type of network installed. A runtime error will result if no network is present.
Example This example retrieves a valid network path.
Sub Main()
  s$ = Net.Browse$(0)
  If s$ <> "" Then
    MsgBox "The following network path was selected: " & s$
    MsgBox "Dialog box was canceled."
  End If
End Sub