Loc (function)

Syntax Loc (filenumber)
Description Returns a Long representing the position of the file pointer in the given file.
Comments The filenumber parameter is an Integer used by the Basic Control Engine to refer to the number passed by the Open statement to the Basic Control Engine . The Loc function returns different values depending on the mode in which the file was opened:
File Mode Returns
Input Current byte position divided by 128.
Output Current byte position divided by 128.
Append Current byte position divided by 128.
Binary Position of the last byte read or written.
Random Number of the last record read or written.
Example This example reads 5 lines of the autoexec.bat file, determines the current location of the file pointer, and displays it in a dialog box.
Const crlf = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Sub Main()
  file$ = "c:\autoexec.bat"
  Open file$ For Input As #1
  For x = 1 To 5
    If Not EOF(1) Then Line Input #1,lin$
  Next x
  lc% = Loc(1)
  MsgBox "The file byte location is: " & lc%
End Sub
See Also Seek (function); Seek (statement); FileLen (function).