Constants (topic)

Constants are variables that cannot change value during script execution. The following constants are predefined by the Basic Control Engine:

Constant Value Description
ebMinimized 1 The application is minimized.
ebMaximized 2 The application is maximized.
ebRestored 3 The application is restored.
True 1 Boolean value True.
False 0 Boolean value False.
Empty Empty Variant of type 0, indicating that the variant is un-initialized.
Nothing 0 Value indicating that an object variable no longer references a valid object.
Null Null Variant of type 1, indicating that the variant contains no data.
ebCFText 1 Text.
ebCFBitmap 2 Bitmap
ebCFMetafile 3 Metafile.
ebCFDIB 8 Device-independent bitmap.
ebCFPalette 9 Palette
ebCFUnicode 13 Unicode text
ebUseSunday 0 Use the date setting as specified by the current locale.
ebSunday 1 Sunday.
ebMonday 2 Monday
ebTuesday 3 Tuesday
ebWednesday 4 Wednesday.
ebThursday 5 Thursday
ebFriday 6 Friday
ebSaturday 7 Saturday.
ebFirstJan1 1 Start with week in which January 1 occurs.
ebFirstFourDays 2 Start with first week with at least four days in the new year.
ebFirstFullWeek 3 Start with first full week of the year.
ebNormal 0 Read-only, archive, subdir, and none.
ebReadOnly 1 Read-only files.
ebHidden 2 Hidden files.
ebSystem 4 System files
ebVolume 8 Volume labels
ebDirectory 16 Subdirectory
ebArchive 32 Files that have changed since the last backup.
ebNone 64 Files with no attributes.
ebWindows Windows executable file
ebRegular 1 Normal font (i.e., neither bold nor italic).
ebItalic 2 Italic font.
ebBold 4 Bold font.
ebBoldItalic 6 Bold-italic font.
ebIMENoOp 0  IME not installed
ebIMEOn 1 IME on
ebIMEOff 2 IME off
ebIMEDisabled 3 IME disabled
ebIMEHiragana 4 Hiragana double-byte character.
ebIMEKatakanaDbl 5 Katakana double-byte characters.
ebIMEKatakanaSng 6 Katakana single-byte characters.
ebIMEAlphaDbl 7 Alphanumeric double-byte characters.
ebIMEAlphaSng 8 Alphanumeric single-byte characters.
PI 3.1415... Value of PI.
ebOKOnly 0 Displays only the OK button.
ebOKCancel 1 Displays OK and Cancel buttons.
ebAbortRetryIgnore 2 Displays Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons.
ebYesNoCancel 3 Displays Yes, No, and Cancel buttons.
ebYesNo 4 Displays Yes and No buttons.
ebRetryCancel 5 Displays Cancel and Retry buttons.
ebCritical 16 Displays the stop icon.
ebQuestion 32 Displays the question icon.
ebExclamation 48 Displays the exclamation icon.
ebInformation 64 Displays the information icon.
ebApplicationModal 0 The current application is suspended until the dialog box is closed.
ebDefaultButton1 0 First button is the default button.
ebDefaultButton2 256 Second button is the default button.
ebDefaultButton3 512 Third button is the default button.
ebSystemModal 4096 All applications are suspended until the dialog box is closed.
ebOK 1 Returned from MsgBox indicating that OK was pressed.
ebCancel 2 Returned from MsgBox indicating that Cancel was pressed.
ebAbort 3 Returned from MsgBox indicating that Abort was pressed.
ebRetry 4 Returned from MsgBox indicating that Retry was pressed.
ebIgnore 5 Returned from MsgBox indicating that Ignore was pressed.
ebYes 6 Returned from MsgBox indicating that Yes was pressed.
ebNo 7 Returned from MsgBox indicating that No was pressed.
ebLandscape 1 Landscape paper orientation.
ebPortrait 2 Portrait paper orientation
ebLeftButton 1 Left mouse button
ebRightButton 2 Right mouse button
ebHide 0 Application is initially hidden.
ebNormalFocus 1 Application is displayed at the default position and has the focus.
ebMinimizedFocus 2 Application is initially minimized and has the focus.
ebMaximizedFocus 3 Application is maximized and has the focus.
ebNormalNoFocus 4 Application is displayed at the default position and does not have the focus.
ebMinimizedNoFocus 6 Application is minimized and does not have the focus.
ebUpperCase 1 Converts string to uppercase.
ebLowerCase 2 Converts string to lowercase.
ebProperCase 3 Capitalizes the first letter of each word.
ebWide 4 Converts narrow characters to wide characters.
ebNarrow 8 Converts wide characters to narrow characters.
ebKatakana 16 Converts Hiragana characters to Katakana characters.
ebHiragana 32 Converts Katakana characters to Hiragana characters.
ebUnicode 64 Converts string from MBCS to UNICODE.
ebFromUnicode 128 Converts string from UNICODE to MBCS.
ebEmpty 0 Variant has not been initialized.
ebNull 1 Variant contains no valid data.
ebInteger 2 Variant contains an Integer.
ebLong 3 Variant contains a Long.
ebSingle 4 Variant contains a Single.
ebDouble 5 Variant contains a Double.
ebCurrency 6 Variant contains a Currency.
ebDate 7 Variant contains a Date.
ebString 8 Variant contains a String.
ebObject 9 Variant contains an Object.
ebError 10 Variant contains an Error.
ebBoolean 11 Variant contains a Boolean.
ebVariant 12 Variant contains an array of Variants.
ebDataObject 13 Variant contains a data object.
ebArray 8192 Added to any of the other types to indicate an array of that type.
Constant Value Description
ebBack Chr$(8) String containing a backspace.
ebCr Chr$(13) String containing a carriage return.
ebCrLf Chr$(13) & Chr$(10) String containing a carriage-return linefeed pair.
ebFormFeed Chr$(11) String containing a form feed.
ebLf Chr$(10) String containing a line feed.
ebNullChar Chr$(0) String containing a single null character.
ebNullString 0 Special string value used to pass null pointers to external routines.
ebTab Chr$(9) String containing a tab.
ebVerticalTab Chr$(12) String containing a vertical tab.
Constant Value
Win32 True if development environment is 32-bit Windows.
Empty Empty
False False
Null Null
True True
You can define your own constants using the Const statement. Preprocessor constants are defined using #Const.