Basic.OperatingSystemVersion$ (property)

Syntax Basic.OperatingSystemVersion$
Description Returns a String containing the version of the operating system under which BasicScript is running.
Comments The version number is returned in the following format: major.minor.buildnumber The parts of the version number are as follows.
Part Identifies the:
major Major version number of the operating system.
minor Minor version number of the operating system.
buildnumber Build number of the operating system.

                           'This example checks the Windows version to ensure that a
                           'feature is supported.
                           Sub Main
                           If Basic.OperatingSystem$ = "Windows"
                           If Basic.OperatingSystemVersion$ <= 2000 Then
                           MsgBox "That feature is not supported."
                           MsgBox "Windows version 2000 or greater"
                           End If
                           End If
                           End Sub
See Also Basic.OperatingSystem$ (property), Basic.OperatingSystemVendor$ (property), Basic.OS (property)