Data Loader

About the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader

The Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader is designed to load data into the Asset Hierarchy Entity family in GE Digital APM, and is also used to relate records in that family to other families in GE Digital APM based on the relationship definitions defined in Family Management. You can create Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader workbooks for the following purposes:

  • Entity Family Data: Used to load data or records.


  • Relationship Family Data: Used to relate a record in an entity family to another record in different entity family.

The data loader workbooks used by the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader are created using the metadata definitions configured in your GE Digital APM system. When the data is loaded, the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader will trigger all of the associated field and family level rules, to ensure that the data is valid, but no further validation is done to the data. You should, however, verify that the intended data, records, or relationships are present in the GE Digital APM system after a data load has been completed.

About the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader Requirements

Determine Which Families and Relationships to Populate

You can determine which families are available and how families are related in Family Management. To access Family Management:

  1. Log in to GE Digital APM.
  2. On the left navigation menu, select Admin, and the select Family Management.

Security Settings

The Security User performing the data load operation must be associated with either the MI Data Loader User or MI Data Loader Admin Security Role. Depending on the type of data that the Security User wants to load, the user may need to be associated with additional Security Roles to grant privileges to create the necessary records. To determine if additional Security Role association is needed to create a particular type of record, refer to the About Roles section of theGE Digital APM Administrative User Help documentation.

About the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader Data Model

The following data model illustrates the records that the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader supports. The Family records illustrated with a red border are customizable.

About the Custom Asset Hierarchy General Loading Strategy

This section describes any prerequisites to loading the data and the order in which the data will be loaded.

General Loading Strategy Workflow

  1. Determine what families and or relationships you want to populate using the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader.
  2. Populate the Configuration worksheet.

This data loader may run on a schedule as part of the EAM data load service.

About the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader Workbook Layout and Use

This section provides a high-level overview and explanation of how the data loader workbook is constructed.

In order to import data using the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader, GE Digital APM provides an Excel workbook that must be used to perform the data load.

The following table lists the worksheets that are included in the MI_AH_Entity_Dataloader.xlsx workbook.

ConfigurationThe Configuration worksheet is needed to describe the type of data that you will be loading and how that data should be handled during the data load.
AHEntityWhere you specify the actual Asset Hierarchy entities that you want to load.
LinkAHEntitytoEntityWhere you can connect an Asset Hierarchy entity to another Asset Hierarchy entity.
LinkAHEntitytoFLWhere you can connect an Asset Hierarchy entity to a Functional Location, Equipment, or some other asset concept defined by the Family Management settings.

Each worksheet in the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader workbook contains field values that can be mapped to the appropriate GE Digital APM family/field.

About Populating Site Reference Data

The Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader can be used to populate the Site Reference on Equipment and Functional Location records in GE Digital APM. The Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader populates the ENTY_KEY system field and the MI_SITE_KEY system field associated with the Site Reference value to be populated. On asset records, the Site Reference is stored in the MI_SITE_KEY field, a system field in GE Digital APM. The Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader uses the Site Name (MI_SITE_NAME) to translate the value to the corresponding Site Key and populate the MI_SITE_KEY field; therefore, you do not need to know the key to be able to populate the site reference. This functionality is important because this value can change from one database to another.

Steps: Populate Site Reference Using the Site Name

  1. On the data worksheet, add a column that contains MI_SITE_NAME in the column name.

    For example, if you are working with a relationship, where a distinction needs to be made regarding which family is associated with each column, then the column name will be prefaced with the Family ID. As shown in the following image, the column name might take the form ‘MI_EQUIP000|MI_SITE_NAME’, where MI_EQUIP000 is the Family ID.

  2. Enter the site name to designate the site by which the asset record, once loaded into GE Digital APM, will be filtered.
  3. Continue populating the source workbook, and then run the data loader.

    The site reference value will filter the equipment records as determined in the source workbook.

About the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader Load Verification

After loading data, you must perform the following steps in GE Digital APM to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the data imported from the data loader workbook:

  • Review the details of the import job. These details will indicate any errors that occurred during the data load. The log helps you identify any records that are not loaded.
  • Run a query on the relevant family to ensure that the records have been created and populated as expected.
  • Verify the imported records in Asset Hierarchy to ensure that the relationships between families have been created.
  • Verify that the assets in a Functional Location of the Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader exist.

    To view the assets, perform the following steps:

    1. Log in to GE Digital APM.
    2. On the top navigation bar, select .

      The Assets page appears.

    3. Select a Functional Location of Custom Asset Hierarchy Data Loader.