High Performance Computing Lab

High Performance Computing Lab

To advance the state of the art in engineering, GE Research teams must study physical phenomena that are imperceptible or infeasibly observed through empirical trial-and-error experimentation.  Harnessing High Performance Computing (HPC) empowers researchers to simulate complex systems within multi-physics models at unprecedented fidelity.  Incorporating these discoveries into product designs, therefore, increases product performance, quality, efficiency, and capacity while decreasing cost, risk and rework across design and manufacturing.

HPC Facility

Leveraging strong partnerships with government laboratories and leading computer manufacturers, the HPC Lab features both globally-accessible supercomputing as well as an HPC Cloud solution to span a breadth of intensive and flexible computing demands.  The technology stack supports rich engineering data, model libraries, and advanced design and visualization software powered by the latest Infiniband network, Intel processors and accelerator technology.  Petabyte-scale parallel file storage systems boost this ecosystem with GPU-accelerated remote visualization workstations.  Supported by a full-time staff of three principle architects and seven Operations Engineers, the HPC Lab combines multidisciplinary technical expertise with decades of HPC systems knowledge.

R&D Facilities
R&D Facilities

GE leverages its multidisciplinary core capabilities to design and develop advanced solutions to complex, challenging problems.

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    Global Research Centers
  • 0k+
    Square Feet of Laboratory Space
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    Staff Scientist, Engineers & Technicians
  • 0+

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