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Accelerate 2022: Session 1

Accelerate 2022: Session 1


Register now for GE Digital's 2022 Accelerate!


Join us in this virtual event to learn about GE Digital solutions for the Power Generation, Oil & Gas, Chemicals, and Metals and Mining Industries.


Accelerate your energy transition efforts


Receive insights and intel on GE Digital technologies to optimize and manage your assets, improve performance & reliability across operations, and use advanced solutions to empower teams across the enterprise, even remotely - Accelerating your energy transition efforts.


Three days of virtual and live content, offered in different time zones to better accommodate your schedule and needs. Feel free to register for all sessions or select the ones most interesting to you.


  • Session 1: June 14, 15 & 16, 2022 - 10:00 AM EST (US) / 3:00 PM GMT / 4:00 PM CET. (GMT-5)
  • Session 2: June 21, 22 & 23, 2022 - 8:00 AM CET / 10:00 AM Dubai /2:00 PM Kuala Lumpur / 4:00 PM Sydney (Australia). (GMT+4)

Fuel your operations with our team of experts!


Join GE’s industry experts, developers and engineers from all over the world for three half day sessions.  You can attend this event from any location and is offered in two time zones to best accommodate your schedule


On Day 1 we will focus on the Energy Transition followed by two days of technology updates, recent releases, and new solutions across our portfolio.


Here's a sampling of what you'll learn:


  • Increase your competitive advantage and accelerate your journey to the digital transformation and energy transition
  • Solve for today’s challenges and equip your organization to address the future
  • New tools to help you accelerate analytics, asset strategy and improve workflows
  • Use intelligent diagnostics to gain valuable insights and reduce spend in less than 2 months
  • How Asset Reliability is becoming the first step in the Energy Transition
  • Using APM Strategy to accelerate your APM experience
  • People, Processes and Technologies: Choosing the right partner to guide your APM and OPM implementation

Event Details

DATE AND TIME Jun 14, 2022 - Jun 16, 2022

Event Speakers:

Linda Rae

Linda Rae

General Manager, Power Generation and Oil & Gas

GE Digital

Rachel Farr

Rachel Farr

Director of Product Transformation, Power Generation and Oil and Gas

GE Digital

Steve Deskevich

Steve Deskevich

Vice President, Digital Product Management

GE Digital