Write work data for a work segment response using a workflow

You can create expressions or bind properties for many of these properties, depending on your workflow requirements.


  1. In the navigator, click Workflow > Workflows.
  2. In the resource list, select the workflow that you want to work with. If no workflow exists, create a new workflow.
  3. In the Displays panel, click Workflow Management > Workflow Editor.
  4. Click the Workflow Editor tab.
  5. Insert an activity:
    • At the workflow level:
      • From the Standard Activities panel, click and drag the activity you want to insert to a drop point.
        Note: Activities can exist only between the presubprocess and postsubprocess.
    • At the subprocess level:
      • Double-click the local subprocess you want to add the activity to.
      • From the Standard Activities panel, click and drag the activity you want to insert to a drop point.
  6. On the activity configuration panel, click Configure Method.
    The Configure Method dialog box appears, displaying a list of the available call method service providers.
  7. Double-click IProductionRuntime to display the list of available call methods.
    Note: If you selected the Required Class check box on the Work Data tab of the associated work process segment, then go to step 8. If not, go to step 9.
  8. Click AddWorkDataClassToResponse, and then click OK.
    1. In the Segment Response ID field, click the arrow, and then select Bind.
      The Select Variable dialog box appears.
    2. From the Activities tab, select a ReturnValue for the segment response, and then click OK.
    3. If required, in Work Data Class, bind a property the resource.
  9. Click WriteWorkData.
    1. If required, to configure the data properties to write, click Next.
    2. Click Add classes of work data properties, and then select a work data class.
      The properties for the selected work data class appear.
    3. To change properties, click Remove classes of work data properties, and then select a different work data class.
    4. Click Select all or select the check box of a specific property, and then click Finish. Each property you select appears as an input parameter on the activity configuration panel.
    5. For each property, enter a new value or expression, or bind a property or parameter to the method.
    6. In the Segment Response ID field, click the arrow, and then select Bind.
      The Select Variable dialog box appears.
    7. From the Activities tab, select a ReturnValue for the segment response, and then click OK.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Run the workflow, or, on the Test/Debug tab, test the workflow to ensure that your input parameters are configured correctly.