Install the ActiveX Task List

Before you begin

Important: Product Options Installation Information. When using the ActiveX Task List, product option updates made on the server are not automatically deployed to applications using the Task List. The ProficyUpdater.exe application must be run manually, with administrative privileges, in order to deploy production option updates on each client machine using ActiveX Task List.
Note: At a single workstation, only one Task Indicator object and one ActiveX Task List object can be connected at a time per HMI application instance.


  1. From the application splash screen, click Install ActiveX Task List.
    Note: If the splash screen does not appear, double-click SetupTaskList.exe from the root directory of the installation folders.
    The License Agreement page appears.
  2. Review the license agreement, and then click I Agree.
    The Installation Folder page appears.
  3. Accept the default destination folder or browse for a new location, and then click Next.
    The Proficy Workflow Server Configuration page appears.
  4. In the Server Name field, enter the name of the server that you want to install the ActiveX Task List on.
    The Security Certificates page appears.
  5. The security certificates are automatically downloaded from the server you are connecting to.
  6. Click Next.
    The Configure Task List Authentication page appears.
  7. From the Authentication Type drop-down menu, select one of three login options, and then click Next.
    If you want the user name and password:
    • entered manually, select Manual Authentication, or
    • exposed in plain text, select Control Property Authentication, or
    • saved automatically after initial setup, select Password Encryption Authentication.
      Note: You must first configure users using the Configure Client tool.
    The Installation Confirmation page appears.
    Note: At any time during the configuration process, you can click Back to return to a previous page to change your settings.
  8. Click Install.
    The Installation page appears, displaying the status of each installation step.
  9. When the installation is complete, click Exit.