Duplicate a task

If you want to use a previously created task as the basis for another task, you can duplicate the original task, and then modify the new task as required.

About this task

Note: When you duplicate a task, the schedules associated with the original task are not duplicated for the task copy.


  1. In the Task Editor grid, click the listing for the task you want to modify.
    Tip: If the grid interface is not displayed, click the Task button. If you do not see the task listing in the grid, expand the group that the task belongs to by clicking the downward-pointing arrow beside the group listing.
  2. Click the Duplicate button.
    The editing interface appears in the Task Editor workspace.
  3. Define the applicable schedules for the task, and then update other task configuration settings, as required. For more information, see Task Construction for Procedures and Task Maintenance.