Creating unique displays, solutions, models

You can create displays, solutions, and models that are visible to specific users only.

About this task

To begin, you will create the following demonstration resources: User Joe; User Group; Display 1; Display 2; Display 3; Solution 1; Solution 2; Equipment Enterprise


  1. Create personnel resources, such as a user and a group of users.
    1. In the navigator, click Personnel > People.
    2. Click Add User.
    3. In the Name field, enter a person's name, such as User Joe.
    4. Optional: In the Description field, enter clarifying information for this resource.
    5. Click OK, or press ENTER.
    6. In the navigator, click Personnel > Groups.
    7. Click Add Group.
    8. In the Name field, enter a group name, such as User Group.
    9. Optional: In the Description field, enter clarifying information for this resource.
    10. Click OK, or press ENTER.
  2. Activate the security credentials for User Joe.
    1. In the navigator, click Personnel > People.
    2. From the list of people, select the user, User Joe.
    3. In the Displays panel, click S95 Model Editor.
    4. Click the Details tab.
    5. In the Full Name field, enter User Joe, and then click Create Account.
    6. In the Login Name field, enter a unique user name for the user you are configuring.
      The Credentials area expands, displaying further input fields.
    7. In the Password field, enter the password for the user you are configuring.
    8. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the password.
    9. Optional: In the Email field, enter the e-mail address of the user you are configuring.
    10. Click Save.
      The security credentials for User Joe are now active.
  3. Add a user to a group of users.
    1. In the navigator, click Personnel > People.
    2. From the list of people, select the user, User Joe.
    3. In the Displays panel, click Security Editor.
    4. In the Security Groups area, click Add/Remove Groups.
      The Add/Remove Groups dialog box appears.

    5. Select User Group, click , and then click OK.
  4. Create global display resources.
    Note: To configure displays, see the Forms and User Displays Authoring Guide.
    1. In the navigator, click Global Displays > Displays.
    2. Click Add Display.
    3. In the Name field, enter a display name, such as Display 1.
    4. Optional: In the Description field, enter clarifying information for this resource.
    5. Click OK, or press ENTER.
    6. Select Display 1, click Duplicate.
    7. In the Name field, enter a new display name, such as Display 2.
    8. Click OK, or press ENTER.
    9. Again, select Display 1, click Duplicate.
    10. In the Name field, enter a new display name, such as Display 3.
    11. Click OK, or press ENTER.
    12. In the navigator, click Global Displays > User Solutions.
    13. Click Add Solution.
    14. In the Name field, enter a display name, such as Solution 1.
    15. Optional: In the Description field, enter clarifying information for this resource.
    16. Click OK, or press ENTER.
    17. Select Solution 1, click Duplicate.
    18. In the Name field, enter a new user solution name, such as Solution 2.
    19. Click OK, or press ENTER.
  5. Create an equipment resource.
    1. In the navigator, click Equipment > Instances.
    2. Click Add Enterprise.
    3. In the Name field, enter a new display name, such as Equipment Enterprise.
    4. Click OK, or press ENTER.
  6. Add your new display resources to the user solution resources in order to group them.
    1. In the navigator, click Global Displays > Displays.
    2. Select Display 1.
      The Display Editor appears.
    3. Click the Display/View Config tab.
    4. In the Display Configuration section, select the This display is available in the solution panel to the left option.
    5. In the Display-Solution Configuration section, select the user solution, Solution 1.
    6. In the Context View Configuration section, select the associated check box.
    7. From the Object Types list, select any resource, such as Equipment Resource, to ensure that the selected solution is compatible and visible when the user selects any resource from the equipment model, and then click .
    8. In the Display-Solution Configuration section, select the user solution, Solution 2.
    9. Click Save.
    10. Repeat steps a-i for the following resources: Display 2 and Display 3.
  7. Assign permissions to allow users in your group, User Group, to view particular displays.
    1. In the navigator, click Global Displays > Displays.
    2. Select Display 1.
    3. In the Displays panel, click Security Editor.
    4. In the Select a Group section, select User Group.
    5. In the Permission Details section, scroll down to System Visibility, and then click Add All Workstations.
    6. Click Save.
  8. Assign permissions to allow users in your group, User Group, to view particular models, such as Equipment.
    1. In the navigator, click Proficy System > Proficy System > Models > Equipment.
    2. In the Displays panel, click Security Editor.
    3. In the Select a Group section, select User Group.
    4. In the Permission Details section, scroll down to System Visibility, and then click Add All Workstations.
    5. Click Save.
  9. Assign permissions to allow users in your group, User Group, to have access to a commonly used display.
    1. In the navigator, click Proficy System > Proficy System > Solutions > Production Management > Inventory View.
    2. In the Displays panel, click Security Editor.
    3. In the Select a Group section, select User Group.
    4. In the Permission Details section, scroll down to System Visibility, and then click Add All Workstations.
    5. Click Save.

What to do next

When your user, User Joe, logs in to Workflow, he will see only the displays that were configured to be visible to him.