Keyword Properties

Keywords are derived from local variables and properties configured in a workflow. Keyword property values are substituted during run time.

You can add keywords in two ways:
  • Use the Keywords tab in the Template Editor
  • Use a Replace Keywords or Update Work Instruction Keywords activity

You can add keywords using a Replace Keywords or Update Work Instruction Keywords activity in a workflow.

Additionally, custom keywords can be defined as local variables within a workflow or subprocess with the variable name referenced directly inside the standard keyword delimiters. Keywords are resolved at the lowest possible scope. For example, if a workflow and a subprocess both have a Name property, the <@Name@> keyword in a subprocess will be substituted with the subprocess name since that is the immediate scope, not the workflow name (the parent scope).
Note: The list of keywords associated with a task template is a reference available for Task Builders. It does not make a keyword value available during run time unless the keyword name maps to an existing property or local variable.

Workflow Properties

For a list of properties that can be used with keywords, see Workflow properties.

Subprocess Properties

For a list of properties that can be used with keywords, see Properties for subprocesses.