View Mimic Cards

A Mimic Card provides a specific view of a process diagram associated with a selected asset, allowing you to monitor and control production equipment and processes.

When configured, you can click a target zone on a Mimic Card that navigates you to its asset or opens a Control View for modifying real-time HMI/SCADA values and viewing historical data. For more information on Control Views, see Edit Values on Mimic Control Views.

When you hover over an asset on a Mimic Card and its background changes to blue, it is a target zone.

  1. Select , the Asset Context Selector, to choose your context.
    This displays the relevant data in context to each asset selected in the navigation scheme.
  2. Select , the Mimic icon.
    The Mimic Card displays the data using the mimic associated with the selected asset.
  3. Optional: Select a target zone to navigate to its asset.
    The asset defined for the target becomes the active asset, changing the mimic and content of any other cards that appear.
  4. Optional: You can use the breadcrumb trail at the top left of the screen to navigate upwards through an asset's hierarchy.