Setting up IIS Web Services

Before you begin

Note: Before you make any changes to Internet Information Services (IIS), you may want to export your existing configuration to review it. For more information on an existing Microsoft utility, refer to

Verify that all role services for Web Server and IIS have been installed.


  1. Open Server Manager.
  2. Expand Roles, then select Web Server (IIS).
  3. Scroll down in the information listed for the Web Server (IIS) to view installed Role Services, and verify that the correct services have been installed.
  4. If needed, click Add Roles in the Roles Services section to start the Add Role Services wizard to add a role.
  5. Click the Web Server (Installed) box to enable service selection. Restart the machine if role services have been added.
  6. Expand Features, and run the Add Features wizard.
  7. Select HTTP Activation under .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features, then run the wizard to install the feature.