Preparing a SOA Database for UMDB Integration

If you are upgrading an existing SOA database to a UMDB, prepare the database for migration by running the CreateAspect command from the command line with any required aspect options.

Before you begin

Ensure that Plant Applications is installed.

About this task

The script prepares the SOA data structures to work in the unified data model of the UMDB. For more information, see Database Setup Strategies.

Note: Setting the UseProficyClient site parameter to True enables aspecting and disables the renaming of aspected items. Aspected user names require a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) as specified for a Windows account. See the Plant Applications help for more information.


  1. From a command prompt, enter the Plant Applications installation path. For example: .
    C:\<Program Files location>\Proficy\Proficy Workflow\Program
  2. Run the Proficy.MESCore.Utils.CreateAspect.exe program to create Equipment and Material aspects, or add the following options to create aspects:
    /addEquipPropCreates the Equipment Property aspect.
    /addEquipProp /addMatPropCreates Equipment and Material aspects as well as the Equipment Property and Material Property aspects.
    /addEquipProp /addMatPropCreates Equipment and Material aspects as well as the Equipment Property and Material Property aspects.

    For example: Proficy.MESCore.Utils.CreateAspect.exe /addEquipProp /addMatProp