Change the Path of the Log Files and Buffer Files

About this task

This topic describes how to change the path of the log files and buffer files to the cluster shared drive. This procedure is optional.


  1. Check the current path value for site parameters and user parameters.
    Select * from dbo.Site_Parameters where parm_id in (101, 102)
    Select * from dbo.User_Parameters where parm_id in (101, 102)
  2. Change the path to an existing folder on a shared Cluster drive:
    Select * from dbo.Site_Parameters where parm_id in (101, 102)
    Select * from dbo.User_Parameters where parm_id in (101, 102)
    Note: The value must be set to an existing path.
    UPDATE Site_Parameters 
    SET Value = '<Cluster Shared Drive Path to Log files>'
    WHERE parm_id = 101
    UPDATE Site_Parameters 
    SET Value = '<Cluster Shared Drive Path to Buffer files>'
    WHERE parm_id = 102
    UPDATE User_Parameters 
    SET Value = '<Cluster Shared Drive Path to Log files>'
    WHERE parm_id = 101
    UPDATE User_Parameters 
    SET Value = '<Cluster Shared Drive Path to Buffer files>'
    WHERE parm_id = 102