Deleting Preference Settings From the Command Line

You can delete preference configuration settings from your AppHub instance from the command line.

About This Task

To delete preference settings from your AppHub instance, you use cURL with the DELETE command to send application details to the ARCS URL for your instance.


Use the following cURL command:
curl -X DELETE \
  <arcsurl>/preferences \
  -H 'authorization: <uaa-token>' \
  -H 'cache-control: cache | no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'postman-token: <postman-token>' \
  -H 'predix-zone-id: <apphub-service-zone-id>'
Table 1. Preferences Delete Options
arcsurl<arcsurl>The URL for your ARCS server or other configuration service.
authorization<uaa-token>The token for the UAA client for your AppHub instance.
cache-controlcache or no-cacheSet cache to enable caching or no-cache to disable caching for this microapp.
postman-token<postman-token>The Postman token to use to authenticate the connection to the server.
predix-zone-id<apphub-service-zone-id>The zone ID for your AppHub instance.