Creating and Deploying a Simple Web App to Cloud Foundry

To create and deploy a simple web application, you can clone a copy of the Predix Hello World web application and deploy it to Cloud Foundry.


  1. Use the Cloud Foundry CLI to log into Cloud Foundry.
    cf login -a <API_Endpoint>
    Note: If you are a GE employee, you must use the cf login --sso command to log into Cloud Foundry. After you enter your SSO, you will receive a one-time passcode URL. Copy this URL and paste it in a browser to retrieve your one-time passcode. Use this code with the cf command to complete the CF login process.

    Depending on your registration, the value of <API_Endpoint> is one of the following:

    • Predix US-West

    • Predix Europe

    For example,

    cf login -a
  2. Clone a copy of the Predix Hello World web app to create a Predix Hello World project. At the command prompt, enter:
    git clone
    The command produces the following output:
    Cloning into
    remote: Counting objects: 7,
    remote: Compressing objects:
        100% (5/5), done.
    remote: Total 7 (delta 0),
        reused 7 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
    Unpacking objects: 100% (7/7),
    Checking connectivity... done.
  3. Edit the manifest.yml file in the Predix-HelloWorld-WebApp directory to update the name of the web app to Predix-HelloWorld-WebApp-<YourAppName>. For example:
      - name:
        buildpack: predix_openresty_buildpack
        #path: dist
        memory: 64M
        stack: cflinuxfs2
  4. Make sure that you are in the Predix-HelloWorld-WebApp directory. From the directory, push your Predix web application to Cloud Foundry. At the command prompt, enter:
    cf push
  5. See your web app listed in your Cloud Foundry space:
    cf apps
  6. Enter your web app URL in a browser, including your app name, using HTTPS. For example:
    Your Predix Hello World web app displays in the web browser.