Orchestration Configuration

About Orchestration Workflow Development

An orchestration is a group of analytics to be run as a single unit. An orchestration workflow defines the order for executing the individual analytics. The runtime uses an orchestration workflow file to trigger the analytic execution request.

The orchestration workflow is defined in a BPMN file, which is an XML file conforming to the BPMN 2.0 standard. Create the orchestration workflow file in your preferred tool for editing XML files. Sample orchestration BPMN-compliant workflow files are available at https://github.com/PredixDev/predix-analytics-sample/tree/master/orchestrations.

Task Roadmaps: Developing an Orchestration Workflow

A task roadmap provides the recommended order of steps to complete a process and serves as a planning guide. Use the following roadmaps to develop an orchestration workflow file.

How the data will be accessed by the analytic determines which process to follow when developing the orchestration workflow. Choose from the following options.

Task Roadmap: Running an Orchestration Using Predix Time Series Tags

When developing an orchestration workflow designed to run analytics that will use time series data, proceed as follows. The orchestration workflow will communicate with the Predix Time Series service to retrieve and store data for use by the referenced analytics.

Note: Before you begin, the times series data must have been loaded into Predix Time Series.
1.Understand how to find the URI values and to configure the REST headers for each APISee
2.Create the orchestration workflow filesSee About Orchestration Workflow Development
3.Validate the structure of the orchestration workflow file and health of referenced analyticsSee Validating an Orchestration Workflow File
4.If using trained analytics:
  • Review the requirements
  • Upload the trained models for the analytic
5.Create the port-to-field maps for the analytics in the orchestrationSee Creating a Port-To-Field Map
6.Create the orchestration configuration entry and upload the BPMN and port-to-field artifactsSee Uploading an Orchestration Configuration Entry
7.Deploy the orchestration workflow fileSee Deploying an Orchestration Workflow File
8.Run the orchestration with the tag id map in the requestSee Running an Orchestration Using Predix Time Series Tags
9.Verify the orchestration execution results statusSee Retrieving an Orchestration Execution Status

Task Roadmap: Running an Orchestration with Single Asset

When developing an orchestration workflow designed to run analytics that will use asset model and time series data, proceed as follows. The orchestration will automatically communicate with both the Predix Asset service to retrieve tags, and the Predix Time Series service to retrieve and store data corresponding to these tags.

This task roadmap provides the steps to run an orchestration for single asset.

Note: Before you begin, an asset model must have been created in Predix Asset, and the time series data loaded into Predix Time Series.
1.Understand how to find the URI values and to configure the REST headers for each APISee
2.Create the orchestration workflow filesSee About Orchestration Workflow Development
3.Validate the structure of the orchestration workflow file and health of referenced analyticsSee Validating an Orchestration Workflow File
4.If using trained analytics:
  • Review the requirements
  • Upload the trained models for the analytic
5.Create the port-to-field maps for the analytics in the orchestrationSee Creating a Port-To-Field Map
6.Create the orchestration configuration entry and upload the BPMN and port-to-field artifactsSee Uploading an Orchestration Configuration Entry
7.Create the default tag querySee Creating the Default Tag Queries
8.(Optional) Create a custom tag query in the port-to-field mapsSee About Asset Model Data Handling for Orchestration
9.Deploy the orchestration workflow fileSee Deploying an Orchestration Workflow File
10.Run the orchestration with the orchestration configuration and asset idSee Running an Orchestration for a Single Asset
11.Verify the orchestration execution results statusSee Retrieving an Orchestration Execution Status

Task Roadmap: Running an Orchestration for Asset Group

When developing an orchestration workflow designed to run analytics that will use asset model and time series data, proceed as follows. The orchestration will automatically communicate with both the Predix Asset service to retrieve tags, and the Predix Time Series service to retrieve and store data corresponding to these tags.

This task roadmap provides the steps to run an orchestration for an asset group.

Note: Before you begin, an asset model must have been created in Predix Asset, and the time series data loaded into Predix Time Series.
1.Understand how to find the URI values and to configure the REST headers for each APISee
2.Create the orchestration workflow filesSee About Orchestration Workflow Development
3.Validate the structure of the orchestration file and health of referenced analyticsSee Validating an Orchestration Workflow File
4.If using trained analytics:
  • Review the requirements
  • Upload the trained models for the analytic
5.Create the port-to-field maps for the analytics in the orchestrationSee Creating a Port-To-Field Map
6.Create the orchestration configuration entry and upload the BPMN and port-to-field artifactsSee Uploading an Orchestration Configuration Entry
7.Create the default tag querySee Creating the Default Tag Queries
8.(Optional) Create a custom tag query in the port-to-field mapsSee About Asset Model Data Handling for Orchestration
9.Deploy the orchestration workflow fileSee Deploying an Orchestration Workflow File
10.Run the orchestration with the orchestration configuration and asset group querySee Running an Orchestration for an Asset Group
11.Verify the orchestration execution results statusSee Retrieving an Orchestration Execution Status

Task Roadmap: Running an Orchestration Using an External Data Source

When developing an orchestration workflow designed to run analytics that will use data from an external source (non-Predix Time Series data), proceed as follows. You will build a Custom Data Connector service to read data from and write data to the external source.

The Analytics Framework will call your data connector service to read the analytic input data and write the analytic output data to the data source.

1.Understand how to find the URI values and to configure the REST headers for each APISee
2.Create the orchestration workflow filesSee About Orchestration Workflow Development
3.Validate the structure of the orchestration file and health of referenced analyticsSee Validating an Orchestration Workflow File
4.If using trained analytics:
  • Review the requirements
  • Upload the trained models for the analytic
5.Create the port-to-field maps for the analytics in the orchestration. When defining the dataSourceId field, provide a value of your choosing to identify the external data source the analytics will rely upon.See Creating a Port-To-Field Map
6.Create the orchestration configuration entry and upload the BPMN and port-to-field artifactsSee Uploading an Orchestration Configuration Entry
7.Develop your Custom Connector Service and deploy it to Predix cloud. A Java-based reference implementation with PostgreSQL DB support is available. Use the reference implementation with PostgreSQL DB support as your starting point.See
8.Deploy the orchestration workflow fileSee Deploying an Orchestration Workflow File
9.Run the orchestration for analytics using an external data sourceSee Running an Orchestration Using an External Data Source
10.Verify the orchestration execution results statusSee Retrieving an Orchestration Execution Status

Validating an Orchestration Workflow File

Before You Begin

Before you can validate an orchestration workflow file, all referenced analytics must be:

  • Hosted in the Analytics Catalog, and
  • Deployed to Cloud Foundry, and
  • Running

For more information, see Adding and Validating an Analytic Using REST APIs.

To validate the structure of a orchestration workflow file and the health of all referenced analytics, issue the following REST API request. The request is a multipart/form-data type (attribute named 'file') and must contain the orchestration workflow file to be validated.

POST <execution_uri>/api/v2/execution/validation

The following is a sample response with a valid BPMN XML file and a valid analytic reference.

  "analyticValidationStatusMap": {
    "<analytic_uri>/api/v1/analytic/execution": "200",
... (one entry for each analytic in the bpmn) ... 
    "<analytic_uri>/api/v1/analytic/execution": "200"
  "id": "<request id>"

The following is a sample response with a valid BPMN XML file and an invalid analytic reference (e.g., to a nonexistent analytic). The 404 error indicates that the runtime could not find that deployed analytic. Check that the analytic id in the URI is correct.

  "analyticValidationStatusMap": {
    "<analytic_uri>/api/v1/analytic/execution": "200",
    "<analytic_uri>/api/v1/analytic/execution": "404"
  "id": "896f736c-63e2-11e6-9ca9-0aaf9ee07fcb"

The following is a sample response with an invalid BPMN XML file.

  "code": "ORCH001",
  "detail": "Failed to deploy orchestration workflow to runtime engine: [Error reading XML]",
  "severity": "3",
  "message": "Failed to deploy orchestration workflow to runtime engine.",
  "parameters": [
    "Error reading XML"

About Analytics Using a Trained Model

Analytics that use a trained model (commonly known as trained analytics, machine trained analytics, or machine learned analytics) are supported as follows.

About Deploying Trained Models as a Configuration Entry

Note: When the trained model is deployed as a configuration entry, the analytic kernel must be written to expect the trained model(s) be passed in on the run() request.

When deploying a trained model as a configuration entry in runtime, you will follow this process.

  • Upload each trained model as an Orchestration Configuration Entry. The upload will include:
    • model file
    • model name
    • model version
    • model key, identifying the asset(s) to which the model file applies
  • For each use of a trained model, create a port-to-field map that maps inputs to the analytic (from supported data sources) and maps the models from configuration entries. The port-to-field map references to models will specify the model name. It will not specify the asset context or asset id.
  • When the orchestration is run:
    • The run request will include an asset context.
    • When the runtime sees a reference to a trained model(s) in the port-to-field map, it will retrieve the trained model(s) for the current asset context and pass it in to the analytic along with the input data. Refer to the following section for more information regarding how the trained models are selected at runtime for the current asset context.

How the Trained Models are Selected at Runtime

The trained model will be loaded during runtime using the these rules. This example describes how the process works. Assume we have the models in the orchestration configuration database as summarized in the following table.

Model KeyModel NameModel VersionModel File

The scenarios and (expected) models will be retrieved as summarized in following table.

ScenarioModel FileDescription
Orchestration execution with asset id “GE90x-1” with orchestration step's port-to-field map, referencing models “Model-1”, “v1”.File1.model
Orchestration execution with asset id “GE90x-1” with orchestration step's port-to-field map, referencing models “Model-1”, “UNKNOWN”.nonePerforms an exact match for model version and retrieves nothing. Not included as part of inputModels.
Orchestration execution with asset id “GE90x-NOTDEFINED”, model group key “Group-2”, with orchestration step using dependent models “Model-1”, “v1”.File5.modelWhen an orchestration execution is triggered with both asset id and model group key and no model is found for asset id, then the model group key is used as the model key to retrieve model.
Orchestration execution with asset group (pulling GE90x-3, GE90x-6) and model group key – “Group-1”. Step model “Model-3” and “V3”.
  • Models associated with asset instance, i.e. GE90x-3 will use File8.model.
  • If missing (GE90x-6), then uses File4.model
For all assets in asset group, tries to find models corresponding to the asset id as the model key and the model name/version defined in step.
Orchestration execution with asset group (“GE90x-1”, “GE90x-2” and “GE90x-5”) and model group key – “Group-1”. Step model “Model” and “V3”.
  • “GE90x-1” – File4.model
  • “GE90x-2” – File6.model
  • “GE90x-5” – File4.model
Asset group retrieves actual assets “GE90x-1”, “GE90x-2” and “GE90x-5”. For each asset id context, because of model name startsWith support, different models will be retrieved for each asset.
Orchestration execution with tag-map and model group key – “Group-2”. Step model “Model-1” and “V1”.File5.modelProvided tag-map fields are only for Predix Time Series fields.
Orchestration execution with tag-map and model group key – “Group-2”. Step model “Model” and “V1”.
  • File5.model
  • File7.model
Using startsWith wildcard search, two models will be retrieved for this group, “Model-1” and “Model-6”.
Orchestration execution without any model group key.Only asset id (model key) level models. No default models at model group key level.Will not default to model group key level models if asset id level models are missing.

Uploading an Orchestration Configuration Entry

The orchestration configuration service is a repository for storing orchestration flows and port-to-field maps. An orchestration configuration entry stores configuration attributes.

About This Task

The high level steps to create and upload an orchestration configuration entry are:

  • Create an orchestration configuration entry with the attributes
  • Upload the orchestration workflow file
  • Upload the port-to-field map files corresponding to each orchestration step defined in the orchestration workflow


  1. To create an orchestration entry, issue the following REST API request.
    POST <config_uri>/api/v2/config/orchestrations

    The following is a sample orchestration configuration creation request.

    "name": "Test workflow",
    "author": "Predix Analytics team",
    "description": "Test workflow containing one Python analytic"

    The following is a sample orchestration configuration creation response.

    "name": "Test workflow",
    "id": "36cc09bf-7d44-4eac-9518-c738527abe03",
    "description": "Test workflow containing one Python analytic",
    "author": "Predix Analytics team",
    "createdTimestamp": "2016-02-25T06:27:55+00:00",
    "updatedTimestamp": "2016-02-25T06:27:55+00:00"
  2. Attach an orchestration workflow file to the orchestration configuration entry by issuing the following REST API request. For information, see About Orchestration Workflow Development.
    Note: The maximum file size for upload is 250MB.
    POST <config_uri>/api/v2/config/orchestrations/artifacts

    The request is a multipart/form-data type with the following parts.

    fileOrchestration workflow fileRequired
    orchestrationConfigurationIdOrchestration configuration entry ID. For an example, see the sample response in Step 1Required
    nameArtifact name. This value must match serviceTask id for each orchestration step defined in the orchestration workflow file.Required
    typeFile content type. Must be "bpmn"Required
    descriptionUp to 1,000 character description of the orchestration workflow fileOptional

    The following is a sample upload artifact response.

    "name": "demoadder-bpmn",
    "id": "15dfc591-f504-4c93-bf71-13ad4e46c25a",
    "type": "bpmn",
    "filename": "DemoAdderOrchestration.bpmn20.xml",
    "description": "test workflow",
    "createdTimestamp": "2016-02-25T06:44:30+00:00",
    "updatedTimestamp": "2016-02-25T06:44:30+00:00"
  3. Attach an analytic port-to-field map file for each orchestration step defined in the orchestration workflow file by issuing the following REST API request.
    POST <config_uri>/api/v2/config/orchestrations/artifacts

    The request is a multipart/form-data type with the following parts.

    fileAnalytic port-to-field map fileRequired
    orchestrationConfigurationIdOrchestration configuration entry ID. For an example, see the sample response in Step 1.Required
    nameArtifact name. This value must match the orchestration step id defined in the orchestration workflow file.Required
    typeFile content type. Must be "portToFieldMap".Required
    descriptionUp to 1,000 character description of the port-to-field map.Optional

Uploading the Trained Analytic Model as a Configuration Artifact

The steps to deploy the trained model as a configuration artifact are provided here. The trained models will be uploaded against a single asset or an asset group key used to identify the group of assets. The orchestration configuration service is the repository for storing trained models.

To upload the trained analytic model, issue the following REST API request.

POST <config_uri>/api/v2/config/orchestrations/models

The request is a multipart/form-data type with the following parts.

Note: modelKey, modelName, modelVersion combination must be unique.
fileModel fileRequired
modelKeyModel keyRequired
  • Model key can be a single assetId, or an assetGroupId used to associate the model with a group of assets.
  • modelKey value is the modelGroupKey value in the Orchestration Execution Request. It will be used at runtime to select the trained models required by the analytics.
  • Length cannot exceed 255 characters
modelNameModel nameRequiredLength cannot exceed 255 characters
modelVersionModel versionRequiredLength cannot exceed 255 characters
descriptionModel descriptionOptional

The following is a sample upload artifact response.

"id": "aa69522f-3b9f-4538-b089-79d8517e622d",
"fileName": "separator.png",
"description": "sample model",
"modelKey": "modelkey-1",
"modelName": "modelname-1",
"modelVersion": "v1",
"md5": "87dc5c965839396cae70b74b7e4df928",
"createdTimestamp": "2016-07-22T17:56:04+00:00",
"updatedTimestamp": "2016-07-22T17:56:04+00:00"

Creating the Default Tag Queries

You can specify a default tag query be used for all port definitions when running an analytic as follows.


  1. Create a default tag query by issuing the following REST API request.
    POST <config_uri>/api/v2/config/orchestrations/defaulttagquery

    The following is a sample default tag query request.

      "defaultTagNameQuery": "assets?filter=classification=/classifications/timeseries_tag:asset_id=${ASSET_ID}",
      "fieldNameSpecifier": "name",
      "tagNameSpecifier": "timeseries_tag_id",
      "author": "Demo",
      "description": "default tag query for two step orchestration example"

    The ASSET_ID marker will be replaced with the correct asset id when the orchestration is run.

  2. Choose from the following options for handling the "tagNameQuery" field:
    • Exclude "tagNameQuery" field from the port definitions so they do change back to default asset tag queries, or
    • Leave the "tagNameQuery" field blank so they do change back to default asset tag queries. For example, "tagNameQuery" : "".

    The following sample port-to-field map is an example of the second option, namely, both the input and output ports will change back to the default query.

        "analyticName": <analytic_name>,
        "analyticVersion": <analytic_version>,
        "comment": <comment>,
        "orchestrationStepId": <orchestration_step_id>
        "iterations": [
                "inputMaps": [
                        "valueSourceType": "DATA_CONNECTOR",
                        "fullyQualifiedPortName": "data.timeseries.column1",
                        "fieldId": "KW",
                        "queryCriteria": {
                            "start": 1455733669601,
                            "end": 1455733669610
                        "engUnit": "Celsius",
                        "dataType": "DoubleArray",
                        "required": true,
                        "dataSourceId": "Predix Time Series",
                        "tagNameQuery" : ""
                "outputMaps" : [
                        "fullyQualifiedPortName": "data.time_series.sumSensorsValuesArray",
                        "fieldId": "bearing temperature",
                        "engUnit": "Celsius",
                        "dataType": "DOUBLE_ARRAY",
                        "dataSourceId": "PredixTimeSeries"
  3. Verify that when you created the asset model, the default query result returns the field and tag specifiers used during the default query creation (Step 1)

    For example, if the default query returns the following execution:

        "name": "KW",
        "timeseries_tag_id": "38_KW_50-UUID"
        "name": "vibration",
        "timeseries_tag_id": "38_vibration_51-UUID"
        "name": "local Rh",
        "timeseries_tag_id": "38_local_rh_52-UUID"
        "name": "bearing temperature",
        "timeseries_tag_id": "38_bearing_temperature_53-UUID"
        "name": "currentCDM",
        "timeseries_tag_id": "38_CDM_54-UUID"
        "name": "vibration1",
        "timeseries_tag_id": "38_vibration1_55-UUID"

    Then the tags specified in the Predix Time Series queries would be 38_KW_50-UUID and 38_bearing_temperature_53-UUID, respectively.

Downloading Artifacts Attached to an Orchestration Configuration Entry

You can download one or more orchestration configuration artifacts as follows.


  1. Get the list of artifact metadata attached to an orchestration configuration entry by issuing the following REST API request.

    The request requires the orchestration configuration entry ID.

    GET <config_uri>/api/v2/config/orchestrations/{id}/artifacts

    The following is a sample orchestration configuration artifact retrieval response. The response returned includes an id for each artifact.

      "orchestrationArtifacts": [
          "updatedTimestamp": "2016-06-22T22:18:48+00:00",
          "createdTimestamp": "2016-06-22T22:18:48+00:00",
          "filename": "MyOrchestration.bpmn20.xml",
          "description": "orchestration workflow",
          "name": "MyOrchestrationWorkflow",
          "id": "4e377e8c-b652-47dc-829a-9fa61ac83406",
          "type": "bpmn"
          "updatedTimestamp": "2016-06-22T22:19:28+00:00",
          "createdTimestamp": "2016-06-22T22:19:28+00:00",
          "filename": "MyPortToFieldMap.json",
          "description": "port to field map for MyAnalytic in MyOrchestration",
          "name": "sid-analytic",
          "id": "87147b52-d776-4f17-9386-8ec89aac8753",
          "type": "portToFieldMap"
  2. Download an artifact by including its id when issuing the following REST API request.
    GET <config_uri>/api/v2/config/orchestrations/artifacts/{id}/file
  3. Repeat previous step with a different artifact id to download each artifact.

Retrieving Orchestration Configuration Entries

You can retrieve orchestration configuration entries by pagination, sorting, and filtering criteria as follows.

Issue the following REST API request.

GET <config_uri>/api/v2/config/orchestrations

The following sample request retrieves entries starting at page three in a zero-based page index, displaying 10 entries per page, and sorted by createdTimestamp.

GET <config_uri>/api/v2/config/orchestrations?page=0&size=10

The following is a sample response for retrieving orchestration configuration entries.

"orchestrationEntries": [
"name": "Test workflow",
"id": "36cc09bf-7d44-4eac-9518-c738527abe03",
"description": "Test workflow containing one Python analytic",
"author": "Predix Analytics team",
"createdTimestamp": "2016-02-25T06:27:55+00:00",
"updatedTimestamp": "2016-02-25T06:27:55+00:00"
"name": "Test workflow1",
"id": "233c0d71-da6d-4761-ae97-f10d1c45d5dd",
"description": "Test workflow containing one Python analytic",
"author": "Predix Analytics team",
"createdTimestamp": "2016-02-25T06:30:46+00:00",
"updatedTimestamp": "2016-02-25T06:30:46+00:00"
"totalElements": 2,
"totalPages": 1,
"currentPageSize": 2,
"maximumPageSize": 10,
"currentPageNumber": 0

Deleting an Orchestration Configuration Entry

To delete an orchestration configuration entry and all the artifacts attached to it, issue the following REST API request.

DELETE <config_uri>/api/v2/config/orchestrations/{id}

To delete one artifact attached to an orchestration configuration entry only, issue the following REST API request.

DELETE <config_uri>/api/v2/config/orchestrations/artifacts/{id} 
Note: An orchestration configuration entry that is used in a scheduled job cannot be deleted.