Audit Logs Overview

About Audit Logs

The Audit Log Management page provides a record of activities, including timestamp, user name, resource involved, action taken, and any additional details, based on the type of audit log selected.

The types of audit logs available are based on user permissions and usually require admin permission for the menu used.
Note: User Management is only available when you are logged in as a tenant administrator.
Displays the history for all Analytic operations, orchestration operations, and asset filter operations. The log entry includes the date/time, name of the Alert or Analysis Template and the action taken, type of transaction (analytic, orchestration, or asset filter), previous values (if applicable) with the appropriate metadata, and any changed values with the appropriate metadata.
Displays information regarding what was updated: date, time, name of template, type of template, and user name.
Asset Management
Displays information regarding what was updated: Enterprise, Site, Segment, Asset, Equipment Template, and any additional details.
User Management
Displays information related to the tenant administrator activities: Create, Update, and Delete for users and groups.
Alarm Management
Displays information including the name of the Alert or Analysis Template and the action taken. The following are possible actions:
  • Alert Created or Reopened
  • Mark as Processed
  • Alert Template updated
  • Disposition updated
  • Claim/Release an alert
  • Case Linked
  • Add/Delete a Note
  • Add/Delete an Attachment
Alarm Management also includes any additional information, such as whether it is a recurring alert or, when a case is linked to an alert, the Case Name.
OO KPIManagement

Displays information associated with the creation, modification, and deletion of analytic templates, and with deployment and scheduling analytics in KPI Management. The following details are recorded:

  • The user name of the user who initiated the activity.
  • The action (for example, Create Job, Delete Job, Create Template, and Delete Template).
  • Additional information on the success or failure of the activity that has been recorded.
Alert/Cases Templates
Displays information associated with the creation, modification, and deletion of alert templates and case templates for a selected date range. Actions include when an alert or a case template was created or its attributes were updated, and when a template was deleted. The name of the user who modified the alert or case template is also recorded in the log.
Note: You can view the log for alert or case templates only if you are a user with administrator privileges.
Displays information associated with the creation, modification, and deletion of cases, and the name of the user who made the changes. The following details are recorded:
  • Case Assigned
  • The user name of the user who initiated an action.
  • Template Applied
  • Case Created or Deleted
  • Case Acknowledged
  • Case Claimed
  • Claim Released for a Case
  • Updates to Severity, Case Name, Case Status, External Case ID, Category, Likelihood, Urgency, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Recommendation, Closure Code, Note, or Date, or Visibility
  • Note Added or Deleted
  • Attachment Added or Deleted
Units of Measure Conversions

Displays information associated with the creation and modification of units of measure conversions. The following details are recorded:

  • The date and time of an activity.
  • The user name of the user who initiated an action.
  • The type of the resource, such as a Unit Group or Units of Measure Conversion.
  • The action (for example, Create a Unit Group, Rename a Unit Group, Create a Units of Measure Conversion, and Modify a Units of Measure Conversion).
  • Information about the activity.

Filter Audit Logs

You can filter Audit Logs on the Audit Log Management page.

Before You Begin

You must have the necessary permissions to access the Audit Log Management page.

About This Task

After you have selected the type of audit log you want to view and the date, the first 250 records appear. The default date shown is the current date. In addition, you can filter and sort the data by column.


  1. In the module navigation menu, select Administration > Audit Logs.
  2. In the Choose Audit Log box, select one of the following options:
    • Analytics
    • Asset Management
    • User Management: This option is available only when you are logged in as a tenant administrator.
    • Alarm Management
    • Cases
    • Alerts/Cases Templates
    • OO KPIManagement
    • Analysis
    • Units of Measure Conversions
  3. Select next to the displayed date.
    The calendar appears.
  4. Use the left and right arrows to select the month and year.
  5. Select the day, and then select Apply.
    The table is updated based on your selections.
  6. Optionally, to change the displayed date, complete the following actions:
    1. Select the month, and then enter the desired two-digit number for the month (for example, 07).
    2. Select the day, and then enter the desired two-digit number for the day (for example,10).
    3. Select the year, and then enter the desired four-digit number for the year (for example, 2016).
  7. In the table, use the following filter criteria to narrow your search.
    Note: Based on the type of log you selected, what you enter as the filter for Resource, Action, or Detail will vary.
    TimeStampFilter is not available. You can select the TimeStamp to sort the displayed results.
    UsernameLists the Predix Essentials user account name of the person who performed the action. Enter starting characters in the Username filter.
    NameLists the name of the user that performed the action. Begin entering the name of the user who performed the action. Displays <user first name> <user last name>.
    ResourceLists the resource type followed by the resource name. Enter Enterprise, Site, Segment, or Asset, followed by the resource name to display a list of matching resources.
    ActionLists the action type. Enter the action of the user. For example: Alert Created, Case Created, Case Linked, Update (for Asset), Permission set updated).

    For Cases, possible activities include: Case Assigned, Template Applied, Case Created or Deleted, Case Claimed or Acknowledged, Note Added or Deleted, Attachment Added or Deleted.

    DetailLists the details of the action. Enter any other detail by which to filter.
  8. Optional: Scroll down to view more results.