Use the Streaming Graph Widget to Plot Tags

Use the Streaming Graph Widget to plot near real-time streaming data for a single tag.

Before You Begin

Deploy and run a streaming analytic job. Obtain the tag ID to search and plot in the widget.

About This Task

Add the Streaming Graph Widget to plot real-time streaming data for a single output tag. Configure the widget to add a tag to start plotting data. For the configured tag, only current data points coming from the Event Hub that are output from a streaming analytic are plotted. Configure only one tag per widget. If needed add more widgets for each additional tag to the configurable dashboard.


  1. Create a new dashboard or open an existing dashboard.
  2. In the widget library, add the Streaming Graph Widget to a new or existing card on your dashboard.
  3. Hover the mouse over the Streaming Graph Widget, and then select the Edit icon ().
    The user must be in the Edit mode to see the Edit icon.
  4. Each Streaming Graph Widget can be uniquely configured to display a single output tag. Use the following options to configure the widget:
    For this optionDo this
    TitleEnter a name for the widget.
    Tip: You can name the widget based on what the plot represents. For example, name your widget Heat-rate Stream if your analytic calculates and produces output tags for heat-rate for that asset in a streaming fashion. A unique title can help differentiate the widget from other similar widgets.
    ThresholdEnter a numerical value to define the threshold. This would display as a baseline in the chart across the x-axis. This indicator helps you to visually identify data points that are above or below a given threshold.
    TagsUse the Search icon () to find at least one analytic tag to plot, then select the Add icon () next to your selection. Add only one tag per widget.
    Note: Every time the widget is reconfigured to replace an existing tag with another, previously plotted data is replaced with newly arriving data.
    Tip: Type at least the first three characters in the tag to see results matching the search text. To narrow the tag search you can enter more characters. The search text must be the first few characters of the tag. Each analytic output tag is uniquely generated combining the following: [analytic Name].[Output Name].[Asset Name].[Deployment Name]. You can search by analytic name to narrow down the results.
  5. Select Done, then select Save to save your configuration changes and exit the Edit mode.


A green toast message Streaming service online displays when a successful connection to the runtime environment is established. Data points start appearing soon as the output tags arrive from the streaming KPI to the messaging queue. If you do not see any data points it is possible that the KPI is not currently running. Alternatively, if the connection is lost, a red toast message Attempted re-establishing connection <n> times displays where <n> is the number of attempts made to establish the connection. If the back-end service goes down due to network issues, the widget attempts to reconnect up to 50 times.