Generate Analytic with Alerts

Steps to upload and deploy a sample Python analytic with alerts on Spark runtime.

Before You Begin

This procedure assumes that the following prerequites tasks have been completed.


  1. Add the alert template
    1. Select Alert Templates.
    2. Select + to add new template.
    3. Enter Analytics in the Alert Template field.
    4. Select Save.
  2. Upload the analytics template to the catalog.
    Configure the following information for the analytic.
    NamePython Sample AlertAnalytic
    OwnerYour Name
    Analytic TypePython
    Type Version2.7.0
    Analytic Version1.0.0
    Primary CategoryMonitoring
  3. In the Analytic Template, configure the input definition, constant, and output definition through CSV upload and select Save.
  4. Enter Analytics in the Output Events field and select Save.
  5. Add and configure the deployment as follows:
    1. Enter deployment_analytics_alert in the Deployment Name field and then select Submit.
    2. In the 1. Asset Selection step, select the asset defined in the analytic, and then select Save.
    3. Select Next to access the 2. I/O Mapping step.
    4. Select the Tag drop-down menu and then, select Add Tags....
    5. In the tag browser, search for the tag in the analytic. As represented in the sample example, search for OO_TAG_Temperature_ID14. After the search displays the tag, drag and drop it onto the input for mapping it.
    6. Select Save and Next to save the I/O Mapping configuration.
    7. In the 3. Schedule step, leave the selection at Only Once for Define how often a new run will be executed option.
    8. Select Time Span between May 23, 2017 to current date.
    9. Leave the Sample Interval at the default value of 1 Minute.
    10. Select Save and then select Deploy.
    The deployment is saved to the Spark runtime. After successful deployment the status updates to Run Once.
  6. Claim the analytic alert in the Alerts module.
    1. Select Alerts > Unclaimed > .
    2. Filter alerts by Time Received.
    Search for the Alert on date Oct 06, 2017. The date of alert is hardcoded in the analytics.