Event Types

To achieve maximum flexibility with regard to future extensions and/or changes in the MTConnect Standard, the server allows to configure all event item types specified in the MTConnect Standard. The predefined event item type set which comes with the MTConnect server installation includes all event item types defined in MTConnect Standard version 1.4. The complete list of the predefined event item types you can find in topic Supported MTConnect Standard.

The complete list of all supported event data items you can find in the document MTConnect Part 3.0 Streams Information Model Version 1.4.0, chapter 6.2 Event Element Names.

The event types are subdivided into three groups, depending on the data type of the event's value.

  • Enumeration event types have a limited/defined set of named values, means each value has a numeric value and a textual name
  • Numeric event types have a numeric value. The server supports the four data types Float, Double, Int32 and UInt32 for numeric events.
  • String event types have a non-numerical data value.