About the Demonstrated Line

Somewhere on the Production Analysis you should be able to identify a group of datapoints that represent your typical output. Consider again our example of the bottled water production process. In the Production Analysis plot, notice the group of datapoints between 3000 and 4000 bottles per day. Within this range, the variation in number of bottles produced is relatively small. This is the demonstrated production output of our production process, where the production unit produces the same amount on a regular basis. Therefore, we have defined the Demonstrate Line along these datapoints.

 The Demonstrated Line extends beyond the plotted datapoint to show what the production would have been if the production rate had not started to drop off due to reliability problems, such as equipment and location failures, cutbacks, and downtime.

Hint: Drawing the Demonstrated Line first can help you determine where to draw the Process Reliability Line. You will want to draw the Process Reliability Line where the datapoints begin to deviate from the Demonstrated Line.

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