About Production Events

A production event is any event that results in reduced production output, such as:

When an event occurs that causes you to produce less output than you had planned, you can record the event in a Production Event record. In the Production Event record, you can identify:

To do so, you will use the Causing Asset field. The Production Event record will be linked to an Equipment record that represents the piece of equipment that caused the event. Not all production events will be associated with a piece of equipment. For example, if several employees take a vacation day on the same day and you are, therefore, unable to produce the maximum amount of product, the production event is not associated with any specific piece of equipment.

To do so, you will use the Work History Link field. The Production Event record will be linked to the selected Work History records. Not all production events will be associated with a Work History record. For example, if the event has not resulted in a work order yet, no Work History records will exist to define the work that was performed as a result of the event.

The Causing Asset and the Work History linked to an event allows you to determine the Cost of Unreliability. With the hierarchical reference, you can view the losses and cost of losses in conjunction with the maintenance cost data.

To do so, you will use the Source Unit field. The Production Event record will be linked to the selected Production Unit record.

To do so, you will use the Production Event Code field. The Production Event record will be linked to the selected Production Event Code record.

You can view a list of all Production Event records that exist in the database on the Production Event Management page.

As you enter production data on a daily basis, if any day results in reduced production output, you can enter the amount of production that was lost and identify the production event that caused the loss.

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