Description of Configuration Fields

The Configure iFIX OPC A&E Server dialog box contains the following information:

  • OPC Attributes
  • User Field Data Source
  • Advanced
  • Alarm Acknowledgement Security

OPC Attributes

This table lists the attributes that the server can send to OPC A&E clients for the alarms and events it handles. Select the check marks ( ) next to the attributes that you want to make available to the OPC A&E client.

You can edit attribute names of User Fields and Alarm Extension Fields. Names of attributes that appear in grey cannot be changed.

The table that follows describes the attributes passed to the collector.

iFIX Field Name

Attribute Description

Source Tag

The tag name. For example: AI-1.

Message Type

The iFIX message type. For example: ALARM, OPERATOR, ESIGNATURE, DELETE, and so on. Message types less than 11 characters in length use hard-coded trailing spaces to make up the difference.  For instance, the "ESIGNATURE " message type includes a space at the end, and the "DELETE     " message type includes five trailing spaces. For more information on message types, refer to the Selecting Specific Alarm and Message Fields section.

Alarm Priority

Priority value before it is translated to a severity number. For example: INFO, LOLO, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, HIHI, or CRITICAL.


The iFIX alarm area to which the source belongs. iFIX provides 16 default alarm areas, named A through P; however, you can rename the default areas or add new ones. Each alarm area name is unique and can be up to 30 alphanumeric characters.


The node where this event occurred. This value is the logical node name.

Physical Node Name

The physical node where this event occurred. This value is the local node name.


The application responsible for this event (iFIX).


The version of the application responsible for this event. For example: 3.5.5717.0.

Message ID

Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) that uniquely identifies the message.

This field does not contain a value for messages manufactured by the server such as acknowledgements or bad data quality notifications.

Alarm Status

The iFIX status, such as OK, LO, LOLO, and so on, before it is translated to the sub-condition name.


The current value of the source when the condition occurred.


The engineering unit label for the current value (CV).

Tag Description

The tag's description field as entered in the process database.

User Field1–4

User-configurable field names. Spaces are allowed in this name.

NOTE: Only text data (the A_ fields) are supported as user-configurable fields. Numeric data (the F_ fields) are not currently supported.

Alm Ext Field1–2

The text entered in the block's alarm extension field. Typically, the first extension field contains the name of the picture that shows alarms from the current block. Spaces are allowed in this name.

Operator Name

When security is enabled, this field represents the name of the currently logged in user.

NOTE: This value may be different than the Perform_Name value.

Operator Full Name

When security is enabled, this field represents the full name of the currently logged in user.

NOTE: This value may be different than the Perform_FullName value.

User Full Name

The full name of the user associated with the event.

Operator Node Name

The name of the SCADA node where the operator acknowledged the event.


The full name of the user who acknowledged the alarm.


The first signature for this event.


The full name of the user who signed the first signature.


The comment associated with the first signature.


The second signature for this event.


The full name of the user who signed the second signature.


The comment associated with the second signature.


The comment entered when acknowledging an alarm in the Alarm Viewer. This comment goes into Historian SQL tables where the alarm and events are stored.

Select All and Restore Defaults Buttons

The Select All button enables the check mark next to all items in the OPC Attributes list.

The Restore Defaults button clears all user entries and restores the check marks for the default attributes:

  • SourceTag
  • Message Type
  • Node
  • Alarm Status
  • CV
  • EngUnitLabel

User Field Data Source

If you select User Field 1, 2, 3, or 4 from the Attribute list, the fields become available in this group box. Enter the iFIX data source tag name.

NOTE: Only text data (the A_ fields) are supported as user-configurable fields. Numeric data (the F_ fields) are not supported.

User Fields are implemented in the same manner as they are in the Alarm ODBC. If you configured user fields in the Alarm ODBC, you need to configure them here as well. The values listed for the User Fields are available in the iFIX ODBC Alarm Service Configuration dialog box. Access this dialog box if you need to obtain User Field values for the iFIX OPC A&E Server configuration. Refer to the "Configuring the Alarm ODBC Service" section in the iFIX Implementing Alarms and Messages electronic book for more on how to access this dialog box.


The following table describes the fields in the Advanced group box.

NOTE: For the Priority Rankings in the following table, the Severity for the Alarm must conform to the OPC A&E specification guidelines. OPC Severity ranges from 1-1000, where 1000 is the most severe alarm. If you are using Web HMI with iFIX, be sure to read the "Alarm Microservice" topic or search for "alarm severity" in the Web HMI documentation. It's important to configure this severity correctly so that you get the results that you want to see in Web HMI. For example, events of high urgency can be mapped into the OPC severity range of 667-1000, events of medium urgency can be mapped into the OPC severity range of 334 to 666, and events of low urgency can be mapped into the OPC severity of 1 to 333.



Priority Rank – INFO

By default, the INFO (Informational) priority alarms for iFIX tags map to an OPC severity number of 40.

This number is configurable. OPC Severity ranges from 1-1000, where 1000 is the most severe alarm or event.

The iFIX alarm priority tag that this field maps to is the ALM_PRIORITY_INFO tag.

Priority Rank – LOLO

By default, the LOLO (Low Low) priority alarms for iFIX tags map to an OPC severity number of 80.

This number is configurable. OPC Severity ranges from 1-1000, where 1000 is the most severe alarm or event.

The iFIX alarm priority tag that this field maps to is the ALM_PRIORITY_LOLO tag.

Priority Rank – LOW

By default, the LOW priority alarms for iFIX tags map to an OPC severity number of 150.

This number is configurable. OPC Severity ranges from 1-1000, where 1000 is the most severe alarm or event.

The iFIX alarm priority tag that this field maps to is the ALM_PRIORITY_LOW tag.

Priority Rank – MEDIUM

By default, the MEDIUM priority alarm for iFIX tags map to an OPC severity number of 500.

This number is configurable. OPC Severity ranges from 1-1000, where 1000 is the most severe alarm or event.

The iFIX alarm priority tag that this field maps to is the ALM_PRIORITY_MEDIUM tag.

Priority Rank – HIGH

By default, the HIGH priority alarms for iFIX tags map to an OPC severity number of 850.

This number is configurable. OPC Severity ranges from 1-1000, where 1000 is the most severe alarm or event.

The iFIX alarm priority tag that this field maps to is the ALM_PRIORITY_HIGH tag.

Priority Rank – HIHI

By default, the HIHI (High High) priority alarms for iFIX tags map to an OPC severity number of 900.

This number is configurable. OPC Severity ranges from 1-1000, where 1000 is the most severe alarm or event.

The iFIX alarm priority tag that this field maps to is the ALM_PRIORITY_HIHI tag.

Priority Rank – CRITICAL

By default, the CRITICAL priority alarms for iFIX tags map to an OPC severity number of 950.

This number is configurable. OPC Severity ranges from 1-1000, where 1000 is the most severe alarm or event.

The iFIX alarm priority tag that this field maps to is the ALM_PRIORITY_CRITICAL tag.

Queue Size

The maximum number of records that can be stored in the alarm queue.

You must restart iFIX for Queue Size changes to be applied. The iFIX Queue design requires restart of iFIX if there is a change in queue size.

For tips on how to deal with issues with the alarm queue, refer to the Troubleshooting section.

Only get alarms on node

Select this option to filter the alarm by a the specified node name. Enter the logical node name in the field next to this check box.

Alarm Acknowledgement Security

This section contains the settings that determine how security is enforced for alarm acknowledgement requests received from the OPC A&E clients.



Require Web HMI Security

When disabled (the default), standard OPC A&E clients can acknowledge alarms in the same way as always, using the currently logged-in iFIX user privileges. Web HMI clients, however, are authorized using the privileges of the user logged into the Web HMI client.

When enabled, this setting requires alarm acknowledgements to come from a valid Web HMI session, and authorizes acknowledgements according to the logged-in Web HMI client user.

NOTE: When this option is enabled, standard, non-Web HMI client alarm acknowledgements are rejected.


See Also

Important Notice

You do not have the latest version of iFIX! You are missing out on the newest capabilities and enhanced security.

For information on all the latest features, see the iFIX product page.

For more information on upgrades, contact your GE Digital sales agent or e-mail [email protected].

For the most up-to-date documentation, go here.