Starting the Historian Non-Web Administrator

Before you begin

To start the Historian Non-Web Administrator, you must be a valid Windows user on the Historian Server. A screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or above is recommended for Historian Non-Web Administrators.


  1. From the Start Menu, select Programs>Historian <version>.
  2. Select Historian Administrator to open the application.
    The system attempts to connect to the default server using the current logged in user and password. The Historian System Statistics screen appears.
    Tip: As an alternative, you can create a shortcut and start Historian Administrator from a desktop icon.
  3. To specify another user name, or to switch servers:
    1. Click on the Main link.
      The Login dialog box appears.
    2. Select a server from the drop-down list or click the Browse button to browse for a server.
    3. Enter your user name, password, and domain, if any, and then click OK.
      The Historian System Statistics screen appears. You can now proceed with all Historian Administrator functions.