Managing Data Stores
- The Get Data Stores API
Using the Get Data Stores API, you can view the list of data stores in a system.
METHOD GET URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/datastores?dataStoreMask=
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URL https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/datastores?dataStoreMask=*
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": [ { "Description": "The System Data Store.", "Id": "D3C23639-81CD-40F7-9CB0-37484FC5190D", "IsDefault": false, "IsSystem": true, "Name": "System", "NumberOfTags": 0, "State": 2, "DHSStorageName": "System Storage", "StorageType": 0, "Links": [ { "Rel": "self", "Href": "/datastore/System" } ] }, { "Description": "The Scada Buffer Data Store.", "Id": "39B39D42-DC7A-4048-9BA8-E4BAB4644B0C", "IsDefault": false, "IsSystem": false, "Name": "ScadaBuffer", "NumberOfTags": 0, "State": 2, "DHSStorageName": "xyz", "StorageType": 1, "Links": [ { "Rel": "self", "Href": "/datastore/ScadaBuffer" } ] }, { "Description": "The DHS System Data Store.", "Id": "56C1DFE9-D0BF-427F-B5D8-B127E38B5C11", "IsDefault": false, "IsSystem": false, "Name": "DHSSystem", "NumberOfTags": 0, "State": 2, "DHSStorageName": "xyz", "StorageType": 0, "Links": [ { "Rel": "self", "Href": "/datastore/DHSSystem" } ] }, { "Description": "The User Data Store.", "Id": "33BA016D-B005-4702-96DB-42CF7238C8FF", "IsDefault": true, "IsSystem": false, "Name": "User", "NumberOfTags": 5, "State": 2, "DHSStorageName": "xyz", "StorageType": 0, "Links": [ { "Rel": "self", "Href": "/datastore/User" } ] } ] } } }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/datastores?dataStoreMask=*
Table 1. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values dataStoreMask
The value of the data store mask. No String Table 2. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Get Data Stores of Storage API
Using the Get Data Stores of Storage API, you can view the list of data stores in a location.
METHOD GET URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/storage/datastores?storageName=
SAMPLE QUERY PARAM GET URL https://<historianservername>/historian-resr-api/v1/storage/datastores?storageName=xx
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, "Data": [ { "Description": "The Scada Buffer Data Store.", "Id": "39B39D42-DC7A-4048-9BA8-E4BAB4644B0C", "IsDefault": false, "IsSystem": false, "Name": "ScadaBuffer", "NumberOfTags": 0, "State": 2, "DHSStorageName": "xyz", "StorageType": 1, "Links": [ { "Rel": "self", "Href": "/datastore/ScadaBuffer" } ] }, { "Description": "The DHS System Data Store.", "Id": "56C1DFE9-D0BF-427F-B5D8-B127E38B5C11", "IsDefault": false, "IsSystem": false, "Name": "DHSSystem", "NumberOfTags": 0, "State": 2, "DHSStorageName": "xyz", "StorageType": 0, "Links": [ { "Rel": "self", "Href": "/datastore/DHSSystem" } ] }, { "Description": "The User Data Store.", "Id": "33BA016D-B005-4702-96DB-42CF7238C8FF", "IsDefault": true, "IsSystem": false, "Name": "User", "NumberOfTags": 5, "State": 2, "DHSStorageName": "xyz", "StorageType": 0, "Links": [ { "Rel": "self", "Href": "/datastore/User" } ] } ] }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/storage/datastores?storageName=xx
Table 3. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values storageName
The name of the location whose data stores you want to view. Yes String Table 4. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Add Datastore API
Using the Add Datastore API, you can create a data store in a Historian server.
METHOD POST URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/datastoretostorage
SAMPLE PATH PARAM GET URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/datastoretostorage Payload { "dataStoreName": "abc", "storageName": "storage1", "description": "test", "isDefault": true }
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -d “{ \”dataStoreName \”:\”name\”,\" storageName \": \"sname\",\"description \":\" des\",\" isDefault \":false}” -X POST https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/datastoretostorage
Table 5. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values Payload
Contains the details of the data store in the JSON format. Yes Multiple Table 6. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Delete Data Store API
Using the Delete Data Store API, you can delete a data store.
METHOD DELETE URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/datastore
SAMPLE URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/datastore Payload { "dataStoreName": "" }
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -d “{ \”dataStoreName \”:\”name\”}” -X DELETE https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/datastore
Table 7. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Data Store Update API
Using the Data Store Update API, you can modify a data store.
METHOD PUT URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/dataStore/<data store name>
SAMPLE URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/dataStore/mirror1DS1 Payload { "Description": "testing", "Id": "5761BCBF-A04D-494F-AE6E-30F8652F4B96", "IsDefault": true, "IsSystem": false, "Name": "mirror1DS1", "NumberOfTags": 0, "State": 2, "DHSStorageName": "mirror1", "StorageType": 0, "Links": [ { "Rel": "self", "Href": "/datastore/mirror1DS1" } ] }
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -d “{ \” Description\”:\”des\”,\"IsDefault \": true, \” IsSystem \”:false, \” Name\”:\” mirror1DS1\”,\”NumberOfTags \”:0,\”State\”:2, \”DHSStorageName\”:\”mirror1\”,\”StorageType \”:0,\”Links\”: [{\"Rel\":\"self\", \"Href\": \"/datastore/mirror1DS1\" }]}” -X PUT https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/dataStore/mirror1DS1
Table 8. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values Payload
Contains the values of the attributes of the data store that you want to change. Yes Multiple Table 9. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL. - The Default Data Store Update API
Using the Default Data Store Update API, you can change the default data store.
METHOD PUT URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/storage/<location name>
SAMPLE URI https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/storage/NPI212611749M1 Payload { "StorageName": "NPI212611749M1", "StorageType": 0, "NumberOfDataStores": 5, "NumberOfArchivers": 1, "DataStores": [ "User", "testDS1", "ScadaBuffer", "testDS2", "DHSSystem" ], "Id": "9CD06AFB-1566-4CE6-99D4-B2F65857F33A", "IsDefault": true, "LastModifiedUser": null, "LastModifiedTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "ArchiverServices": [ "DataArchiver_NPI212611749M1", "DataArchiver_distamchine1" ] } }
SAMPLE RESPONSE { "ErrorCode": 0, "ErrorMessage": null, }
SAMPLE cURL COMMAND curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>” -d “{ \”StorageName\”:\”name\”,\"StorageType\": 0, \”NumberOfDataStores\”:5,\” NumberOfArchivers\”:1, \”IsDefault\”:true,\”ArchiverServices\”: [\"DataArchiver_NPI212611749M1\", \"DataArchiver_distamchine1"\"]}” -X PUT https://<historianservername>/historian-rest-api/v1/storage/NPI212611749M1
Table 10. Query Parameters Parameter Description Required? Values Payload
Contains the values of the attributes of the default data store that you want to change. Yes Multiple Table 11. Response Parameters Parameter Data Type Required? Description ErrorCode
Integer Yes For example, ErrorCode = 0 implies the operation was successful. ErrorMessage
String Yes For example, NULL.