Install and Uninstall Options

Configuration Hub, along with the iFIX SCADA, Historian, and Operations Hub products are all installed using Proficy installer experience.

Proficy installer

To install Configuration Hub, use the Proficy installer Common Components option, as shown in the following figure. This figure shows the SCADA version of the Proficy installer. Configuration Hub only needs to be installed once. It should not be installed on a computer with the Webspace Server or a Enhanced Failover pair.
Important: In order to access Historian from Configuration Hub when using iFIX, you need to manually install the Web Components by browsing the folders on the Proficy installer to this location: Historian\WebComponents, and then right-clicking the install.exe > Run as Administrator, and install Historian Web-based Clients. Currently, there is not an option to install Web Components from the iFIX Proficy install experience. You will need to make sure that the Historian security groups are added to your admin user in order to view Historian from Configuration Hub. Restart the browser, after modifying your user, and then you can access Proficy Historian from within Configuration Hub, along with iFIX.


To uninstall Configuration Hub, or any of it's associated plug-ins (Historian, Webspace, Operations Hub, for instance), use the Add Remove Programs feature in Microsoft Windows. Locate the app you want to uninstall, and select Uninstall to remove it. After uinstalling, you can then choose to reinstall with the Proficy installer again, or through one of the individual installers found in the subfolders on the Proficy installer.

Installing from a Command

A response file named SilentInstallResponseFile.json is saved to the install folder with the settings you selected for the install – each time you run the Proficy install. This response file can be used to run the Proficy installer from a command line or programmatically. This can be helpful, for instance, if you have several computers on your network that you need to run the installer on.
Note: : As of iFIX 2024, you must use a file created by the latest installed version. For example, if you have installed iFIX 2024, you cannot use a SilentInstallResponseFile.json file created by any earlier iFIX version.

You can make your own SilentInstallResponseFile.json using any of the full list of options in detailed in the sections that follow, or modify the one created for you when you installed your products with the Proficy install. You can find this autogenerated file in the install folder, which is by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Proficy.

To run the Proficy installer from a command line, use the following command line:
D:\Setup\setup.exe --response SilentInstallResponseFile.json 

where D:\ is the drive where the Proficy installer is located.

Note: In addition to the options provided in the following sections, you can further customize the options selected for the iFIX install by using the scadaconfig.ini for SCADA installs or the installconfig.ini for iClient (View node) installs. Refer to the iFIX Documentation for more information.

Common Components

"packageSelected": "CommonComponents",
"installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
"configHubClientId": "admin",
"configHubClientSecret": "******",
"uaaClientId": "admin",
"uaaClientSecret": "******",
"selectedPackageProducts": [
"productName": "Configuration Hub",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "Proficy Authentication",
"installType": "installText",
"uaaInstallType": "Silent Install"
"productName": "License Server Tool",
"installType": "upgrade",
"installedLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy\\Proficy Common\\Proficy Common Licensing"
"isAuthCredsProvided": false,
"rebootFlag": false

SCADA Client

"packageSelected": "ScadaClient",
"installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
"selectedPackageProducts": [
"productName": "iClient",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "Productivity Tools",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "Historian Client Tools",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "Proficy Webspace",
"installType": "installText"
"nodeName": "FIXVIEW"
"historianServerLocation": "",

SCADA Standalone Server

"packageSelected": "ScadaStandAloneServer",
"installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
"nodeName": "FIX",
"selectedPackageProducts": [
"productName": "SCADA",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "Industrial Gateway Server [IGS]",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "Productivity Tools",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "Historian Collectors",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "Historian Server",
"installType": "installText"
"dataPathFolder": "C:\\Proficy Historian Data",
"enableCertificateSecurity": false,
"serverCertPassPhrase": "",
"isAuthCredsProvided": false,
"rebootFlag": false

SCADA with Remote Historian

"packageSelected": "ScadaWithRemoteHistorian",
"installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
"selectedPackageProducts": [
"productName": "Interop Service",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "SCADA",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "Industrial Gateway Server [IGS]",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "Productivity Tools",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "Historian Client Tools",
"installType": "installText"
"productName": "Historian Collectors",
"installType": "installText"
"nodeName": "FIX",
"dataPathFolder": "C:\\Proficy Historian Data",
"historianServerLocation": "MYSERVER",
"historianUserName": "admin",
"historianPassword": "******",
"isAuthCredsProvided": false

Historian Server

"packageSelected": "HistorianServer",
"installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
"selectedPackageProducts": [
"productName": "Historian Server",
"installType": "installText"
"dataPathFolder": "C:\\Proficy Historian Data",
"enableCertificateSecurity": false,
"serverCertPassPhrase": "",
"isAuthCredsProvided": false

Operations Hub

"packageSelected": "productOpsHub",
"installLocation": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Proficy",
"opshubusername": "ch_admin",
"opshubpassword": "******",
"ophub": {
"configHubRegClientId": "admin",
"configHubRegClientSecret": "******",
"uaaBaseUrl": "",
"adminClientId": "admin",
"adminClientSecret": "******",
"configHubBaseUrl": "",
"deferConfigHubRegistration": true,
"useLocalUaa": true
"opshubdrivelocation": "C:",
"selectedPackageProducts": [
"productName": "Operations Hub",
"installType": "installText",
"opshubinstalltype": "Silent Install"
"isAuthCredsProvided": false