2. Complex Expression for Tracker Attributes and Normal TADB Groups


Test a combination of values in an attribute group.


There is one Attribute Group (in the expression), defined with attributes as follows.

Order Card Attributes include C and G.

Query Expression

(Order Card.C,4>’3’&!Order Card.G,8=’7’)|Order Card.C,8,2=’yy’


Criteria Is/are the:
C Order card attribute.
4 Position 4 in the C attribute value.
'3' Value must be greater than 3.
G Order card attribute.
8 Position 8 in the G attribute value.
'7' Required character in the G attribute value position 8.
C Order card attribute.
8 Position 8 in the C attribute value.
2 Return 2 characters in the attribute C value.
'yy' Accepted characters in the C attribute value positions 8 and 9.

Query Expression says:


If the Order Card group:

  • Has in C attribute value, positions 3 and 4, a value greater than 3 and
  • Does not have in G attribute value, position 8, a character that is not 7.


If the Order Card group:

  • Has in C attribute positions 8 and 9, the characters yy.
Note: Parentheses, Ands and Ors can be nested within each other and appended together to any desired length.

The example above is designed to show every position in which these operators can be used.