AO Faceplate: Details Frame

Refer to the following table for descriptions of the fields.

Note: Data entry fields and button execution are enabled when a user Is associated with both the object's resource and a role that has at least a Level 200. Consult your system administrator if you should have data entry privileges and don't.
Area Description
1 Click the Forcing check box to enable or disable forcing.  Filtering is applied to the forced value if the Filter Time is appreciably larger than the block’s execution period.
2 The Forced Value replaces the calculated RAW value. Data entry is enabled only when forcing is enabled. When forcing is enabled, the forced value will be automatically set to the last raw value before forcing. The Forced Value is user-defined except on the first transition.
3 PV low and PV high values and associated engineering units. In order to have scaling the PV High value must be greater than the PV Low value. Without scaling the Main frame will have no animated fill and the High and Low will be displayed as question marks.
4 Raw low and raw high data types and values. Data types (read-only) include: UINT, INT, DINT, and REAL.The Value is read-write. In order to have scaling the Raw High and Raw Low must be set to different values. To support inverted actuators the Raw High can be lower than the Raw Low.
5 Raw analog output. If invalid or no scaling is configured, the PV value is passed to the RAW value.
6 The method used to convert PV into the raw value. Display Options: Direct or Inverted. With Direct, the  Raw High is greater than Raw Low; Raw is directly proportional to PV. With Inverted, the Raw High is less than Raw Low; Raw is inversely proportional to PV.
7 Exit Button. Click to close the faceplate.