StringFromUQINT (function)

Syntax StringFromUQINT param1,param2,param3
Description To convert two doubles into one signed 64-bit value and finally to a string
Param1 String.
Param2 Double.
Param3 Double.
Sub Main()
   Dim qlow as Double
   Dim qhigh as Double
   Dim qstr as String
   Dim MyPoint as new Point       ' Declare the point object
   MyPoint.Id = "QINT"      ' Set the point id
   ret = MyPoint.GetUQuadIntValue(qhigh,qlow)
  qstr = StringFromUQINT(qhigh,qlow)  'Get the value as    
                          ‘string from two doubles qhigh and  
End Sub
See also DoQINTMath (function), DoUQINTMath (function), Point.QuadValueAsString (property, read), Point.QuadValueAsString (property, write), Point.SetQuadIntValue (function), StringFromQINT (function).