SetTimecomponentsHR (function)

Syntax SetTimeComponentsHR  param1, param2, param 3 ….9
Description Given components of the time. Current time divided into time components of year, month, day, hour, min, sec and nanoseconds.
Param1 Double. High value of input time.
Param2 Double. Low value of input time.
Param3 Integer. Timecomponent.
Param4 Integer. Timecomponent.
Param5 Integer. Timecomponent.
Param6 Integer. Timecomponent.
Param7 Integer. Timecomponent.
Param8 Integer. Timecomponent.
Param9 Long. Nanosecond time component.
Sub OnMouseUp(x As Long, y As Long, flags As Long)
'Declare variables
   Dim yy As Integer
   Dim mm As Integer
   Dim dd As Integer
   Dim hh As Integer
   Dim min As Integer
   Dim sec As Integer
   Dim nano As Long
   Dim qlow As Double
   Dim qhigh As Double
'Initialize Objects
   yy = 2011
   mm = 7
   dd = 13
   min = 43
   sec = 10
   nano = 0
SetTimeFromComponentsHR  qhigh,qlow,yy,mm,dd,hh,min,sec,nano
   MsgBox qhigh
   MsgBox qlow
End Sub
See also GetTimeComponentsHR (function)