QINTFromString (function)

Syntax QINTFromString param1,param2,param3
Description To convert one numeric string into QINT , split it’s value into 2 doubles and return them.
Param1 String.
Param2 Reference to Double.
Param3 Reference to Double.
Sub Main()
   Dim qlow as Double
   Dim qhigh as Double
   Dim qstr as String
   Dim MyPoint as new Point       ' Declare the point object
   MyPoint.Id = "QINT"      ' Set the point id
   qstr = "1000000899876543212"
   QINTFromString qstr,qhigh1,qlow1
   ret = MyPoint.SetQuadIntValue(qhigh,qlow)
End Sub
See also UQINTFromString (function).