Point.SetQuadIntValue (function)

Syntax Point.SetQuadIntValue(qhigh,qlow)
Description To set the point's value in a CIMPLICITY project. This operation combines the Value and Set operations into one command. The SetQuadIntValue function takes two double values to set the value of any 64 bit data type QINT or UQINT.
' To set the value of any point with data type QINT or UQINT
‘follow the example below.
Sub Main()
    Dim qstr As String
    Dim qhigh as Double
    Dim qlow as Double
    Dim MyPoint as new Point 'Declare the point object
    MyPoint.Id = "QINT"      'Set the Id
    qstr = "1000000899876543212"
    QINTFromString qstr,qhigh,qlow
    SetQuadIntValue (qhigh,qlow)
 End Sub    
See also Point.QuadValueAsString (property, read),Point.QuadValueAsString (property, write), Point.SetQuadIntValue (function), Point.TimeStampHR (property, read);Point.GetQuadIntValue (function)