Point.InUserView (property, read)

Syntax Point.InUserView
Description Boolean. To determine if the point is in the user's view.
  • If Resource Setpoint Security is checked in the Point Setup dialog box for the point's project and the point's resource is not in the user's view, then FALSE is returned.
  • If Level Setpoint Security is checked in the Point Setup dialog box and the point's level is greater than the level of the user's role, then FALSE is returned.
  • Otherwise, TRUE is returned.
  • If the point is not in the user's view, a run time error will be generated if you try to set it.
Sub Main()
   Dim MyPoint as new Point
   MyPoint.Id = "TEST_POINT"
   if MyPoint.InUserView = TRUE
      MyPoint.SetValue = 10
      MsgBox "Point not in user view, setpoint not allowed"
   end if
End Sub
See also Point.SetPointPriv (property, read); Point.DownLoadPassword (property, read).