Point.GetNext (function)

Syntax Point.GetNext [ ( timeout ) ]
Description Boolean. A function, to read the next value of a point with a specified timeout in milliseconds. Returns True if the point was read, False if it timed out.
Sub Main()
   Dim MyPoint as new Point
   MyPoint.Id = "TIME"    ' Set the Id
   MyPoint.OnChange       ' Request the value on change
   MyPoint.GetNext        ' The current value is returned immediately.
   if MyPoint.GetNext(1000) then  ' Wait 1 second for the next value.
      MsgBox MyPoint.Value        ' Display the value.
      MsgBox "Timeout"            ' Point didn't change in one second.
   end if
End Sub
See also Point.OnChange (method); Point.OnTimed (method); Point.OnAlarm (method); Point.OnAlarmAck (method); Point.Cancel (method).