Point.DataType (property, read)

Syntax Point.DataType
Description Integer. To return the numeric data type of the point.
Comments The following are the possible return values.
Return Value Description
CP_DIGITAL A digital or Boolean value. Range True or False
CP_STRING A character string.
CP_USHORT An unsigned short (8-Bit) integer.
CP_UINT An unsigned (16-Bit) integer.
CP_UDINT An unsigned long (32-Bit) integer, returned as a double precision floating point number.
CP_SHORT A signed short (8-bit) integer.
CP_INT A signed (16-bit) integer.
CP_DINT A signed long (32-bit) integer.
CP_REAL A double precision floating point.
CP_BITSTRING A bitstring. Can only be returned as a character string.
CP_STRUCT A structure point. Structure points are not currently supported.
if MyPoint.DataType = CP_STRING then
  a$ = MyPoint.Value
  a% = MyPoint.Value
end if
See Also Point.PointTypeId (property, read)